The Power of a Dog capture the essence of the western

in CineTV7 months ago



The Power of a Dog is a film set in Montana that tells the story of two very different brothers.

One of them is Phil (played brilliantly by Benedict Cumberbatch), a tough guy and the embodiment of the classic masculine ideal of the time, while George (the always strong Jesse Plemons) has a more modern view of the world and is less attached to traditional masculine ideas.



The conflict arises when George decides to marry Rose (Kirsten Dunst), a woman who is already a mother, which was frowned upon at the time if they were not married.

Along with Rose comes their son, another of the main characters. Throughout the film, we witness the development of these characters and the questionable morals they all possess.



The Power of the Dog" is a film that shares the classic codes of the western genre.

What stands out most about this film, first of all, is its incredible direction by the talented Jane Campion, who won Best Director at the Oscars, establishing herself as one of the most prominent figures in the history of film directing.

Another highlight are the performances, in which the characters are neither good nor bad, but are presented in a range of greys, something characteristic of this genre in which we do not always find conventional heroes.



Finally, the film stands out for its impressive visuals, with contemplative scenes that capture the essence of the western.