Cinetvcontest #37 - "The Hating Game" [A Movie About Work]

in CineTV2 years ago

When I first saw the theme for this week's contest, I had thought I had no favourite movie about work because I get kinda bored with a few I've seen. I can't even remember their names because they weren't so memorable for me but then, a movie came to mind.

I mean, the movie doesn't have to be about work, work, work... There has to be some other scenes to compliment and make it fun to watch. This movie is that movie, even though most of the scenes were at the office, it was worth watching for me.

The movie is... The Hating Game

Image from imdb

It is a movie that also has a book written about it but I'm yet to read the movie so I'm not sure if the stories are same but the titles are same. It's a movie as the name implies that shows a level of hate one can give to another on different grounds. The movie got me wondering at some point if hate was a thing one can actually give sometimes, making hate seem adorable haha.

Aside that, the movie is about two young people, a guy and a lady who works for a publishing company under their Co-CEOs and this two hate each other. More like, the lady hates the guy for being so uptight, never smiles and stiff with his work clothes unlike her who is always bright, friendly to her Co-workers and wears different colour of clothes to work everyday.

The two hate grew when the CEOs at the company wanted to give promotion to one of them as the new managing director but after they have proved worthy of the position as the two were good at what they do. The man who seem to be more straightforward and intelligent with his job felt it was an easy task to win the position and he believed he would. The lady who had the "never give up" spirit knew she would get the promotion.

The Co-workers made an agreement that one would have to resign if the other gets the position as they couldn't stand each other because of the hate. The long fight to win the position led the two to fall in love with each other without realising it. Their love story is an awkward one as the movie was mainly on the working part of it.

The movie shows the relationship of CEOs to their workers and among the co-workers...

The way the CEOs depended on the two lead characters in the movie is something else, they trusted them so much because of the efforts they've put in over time and their determinations to go even higher, this made them find ways to make the two work together no matter what in hopes that they would come to terms with each other.

Even though the guy didn't relate well with his co-workers especially his rival, the lady did have a very good combo with the others and they loved her for it. A company where you're loved and everyone works together except that one guy who's too disciplined to break protocols.

The movie shows romance at work...

We've heard of cases where companies warns their workers not to date within as it may put a threat to their efficiency as workers. This movie has CEOs who doesn't seem to care about that, the two began to date and find quiet time for themselves at the office. It's beautiful to see them work together even though another fight came up after.

The fight for a position made the work movie even more interesting...

The two went extra length to get the approval as the new managing director but in the end, only one could be selected and the result of who won was a surprise to me but really satisfying the way it played out. Work is more rewarding when you're pushed to be better at what you do, that is what happened to the lady as it seem the guy knew better than her but they all knew how amazing she could be if she put her mind to it.

The movie may be about work but there's a touch of romance and comedy which would get you glued to your screen, I'll recommend that you see it if you haven't.

This is my entry to the Cinetv contest and you're invited to participate too.



This movie. I loved it so much I refused to delete off my phone until recently.

I particularly liked the fact that the guy didn't bend to his family influence and chose a different path for himself which brought him true love.

Listening to our instinct or our heart, serves us at all times.

Oh I'm glad I found one who have seen the movie 😁 I also couldn't delete the movie until I found a more interesting one haha

That part about the guy and his family is a "break the norm" for me and I like how the girl stood up for him against his father 😂

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Good choice for the contest

Thanks 🙂


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