CineTV Contest #14 - My Favorite Underrated Tv Series: Everything Sucks!.

in CineTV2 years ago (edited)

Although set in the 1990s this series connects with all of us who have ever identified ourselves as losers or weirdos, there is a lot of nostalgia reminiscent of the 90s when VHS and MTV ruled audiovisually.


It is a small series without great pretensions with 10 chapters of 25 minutes each, which tells how its protagonists are looking for their own identity and happiness in the process of maturity.

All the characters present fears and indecisions, but as the series progresses they gain in depth, especially the two main characters, and even the most hateful characters become sympathetic.

Adolescence is portrayed as a difficult time, a time of change, when we begin to see the world differently, and need to become aware of ourselves and others. These misfits spend part of their free time doing TV shows and plays and at a certain point join forces to prepare a movie.


Luke and Kate, the main characters, begin a journey throughout the ten episodes in which Luke realizes that the world does not revolve around him, and Kate, begins to explore (very tentatively) her sexual identity. Luke, however, is head over heels in love with Kate. As the action is set in 1996, there is a certain innocence in the series that would most likely be lost today with social networks.


We will see emotional ups and downs and existential doubts told with simplicity and tenderness, paying more attention to the two young protagonists. Her father and his mother rediscover in a very particular way their world within their sad existence.

The protagonists gradually come to terms with their traumas: Luke is abandoned by his father, and Kate's mother dies suddenly.

The series premiered in 2018 in Netflx passed very unnoticed and was canceled despite being very good and the best I've seen on Netflix and that has been 4 years!

This prematurely ended series was created by Ben York Jones and Michael Mohan, and starred Peyton Kennedy, Jahi Winston, Patch Darragh , Claudine Nako, and Rio Mangini, among others.

I highly recommend it, even though the final chapter leaves us with a cliffhanger, or what is the same as a moment you see in movies or TV that leaves you wondering what will happen next.


With this series I participate in the initiative CineTV Contest #14 - Your Favorite Underrated Tv Series Link Here

Good luck to all the participants!.


I was enjoying watching this series and very upset when it was cancelled. I wish it had been noticed.

Hello, there were many loose ends, sometimes I do not understand this decision of the Streaming channels, at this point it's been 4 years and its protagonists no longer fit into what was told, the continuity was lost. Greetings and thanks for reading my post.

Thank you for your Cine TV entry! I appreciate the recommendation. Looks like a good show and set in the 90's which is when I was in high school. :)


Hello, although the plot is very simple, it will make you reflect on certain issues and you may identify someone you knew back in the day. I am more of the 80's, since in the 90's I had to live my professionalization stage, and I thank God I was able to do it. Greetings.

I quickly checked to see if it's available in my country after reading your review and I'm so happy to have found it. High school series are one of my favourites and you make this one sound so good. I especially like that it's set in the 90's.

Thanks for stopping by here. See the series is very good and you will surely like it. After you inform me what you think of that ending... Greetings!