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RE: Film as Art #24 — Sileni (Lunacy) by Jan Svankmajer

in CineTV3 years ago

Damn...just.. damn.. I wish to write reviews like this one day.. short, precise, concise and beautiful composes saying all there is to say with the most suitable words


You honor me through your words! Thank you. :)

I have this project I'm working on.. I would love if you could read through them and positively critic them.. they would be up on my blog by Thursday.. I would love if you could be a part of it

What kind of project?
If it's motion picture related, do post using cinetv tags. I read most of the posts published with cine tags anyway.

It will be posted on cinetv and it will have it's tags. So basically for the next 4 weeks I plan on posting various movie reviews and my thoughts about there themes and meaning. I'm not really a student of the arts of film making but I love story telling expressed through movies. I would love if you could go through them and give your thoughts