My Impressions of Enough Said

in CineTVlast year


I absolutely adore when a movie slides under my radar and I "discover" it years after its release and this was exactly the situation I found myself in recently when I "found" Enough Said on Hulu. I have the greatest respect for James Gandolfi as an actor and I deeply miss his presence in film and television since his untimely death.

Enough Said is a phenomenal movie from 2013 that stars James Gandolfi and Julie Louis-Dreyfus. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this film and I think the depth of my enjoyment can be summarized in the fact that while sitting at my desk in my home office watching this movie.....I found myself grinning from ear to ear and felt my heart warm on several occasions.


The film follows two middle-aged divorcees as they find each other, begin to develop feelings for each other, and then figure out how to navigate difficult situations they encounter. These two great actors alone would make the film worth watching, but when you add in the excellent writing, and superb directing you can't go wrong taking a chance on this film. There are times you really, really dislike Julia, but you end up rooting for them to overcome their perceived differences as the movie moves forward.

I simply love movies that touch in some way....I mean isn't that the true purpose of film? To move make us feel for the characters as if they are our friends and family. For me, the true test of the substance of a film is how much emotions (good or bad) it can produce in me and how emotionally involved I become with the characters and their fates in the context of the film. And in the case if this hidden (to me) gem, I found myself completely enthralled with their story and on a roller coaster of emotions as the highs and lows ebbed and flowed in this piece.

Obviously, I recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it. Especially if you are a James Gandolfi fan! The movie is not only emotionally moving, it is well made and a joy to watch. Remember I love you all and each of you deserves to be loved as deeply as these two!


All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost




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