Topicals about Rock Hudson

in CineTV11 months ago



The stories, sometimes told in the first person and co-written by the star with the collaboration of Sarah Davidson, show a brilliant Rock Hudson as master of the situation, loving and being loved, and worse, subject to competent media coverage. Protected by the film industry who were vigilant about gossip publications to protect themselves from articles that could affect their valuable investment.

Contradictory, described by some as a sphinx, enigmatic, jealous, suspicious, childish, in his films he always embodies a simple spiritual image without ambivalence or torment.



Audiences see him as warm, kind and pure, in his films as well as loving, courageous and defiant and in real life, a true magician, friendly and genuine, according to actor and author George Nader, who had a friendship with him for 35 years.

He was made up of people with different personalities, they gradually fitted into each other, to bring out the best in each other.

27 days before his death, Rock Hudson wrote a letter to all the people he considered friends: "I have always been someone jealous of my privacy, but now, when everything has changed, there are many things I want to tell me". I have always been jealous of my privacy, but now, when everything has changed, there are many things I want to tell myself. I want the truth to be told, so I ask those who know me well, my true friends, to collaborate with Sarah Davidson to tell the story of my life. "
