The Integrity of the Mr. Billionaire, the test of humanity.

in CineTV2 years ago

How are you all I saw a wonderful movie today, which made me feel good very easily. It is true that if one can understand the movie he will surely enjoy and also learn some good lessons of life. To be honest, after a long time I felt like I got to see a good movie.

Most of the movies we like nowadays are - mysterious, action oriented, sci-fi, war, crime oriented, 18+ and so on. However, there are very few movies based on the education of humanity.


If we observe, we will see that those who lack money can not improve much by showing humanity in life. Because the bad people of the society consider humanity as a weakness and continue to give more suffering to the needy people.

Again it is seen that the needy people become harmful to the common people and the society when they suddenly get wealth. Because they don't know how to lead life properly. And for these reasons, when the parents find that they do not have suitable heirs in their old age, they donate all the assets to various developmental trusts. So that resources are used properly.

Well, suppose someone suddenly came to you and told you that if your grandfather left a lot of property for you, there is a condition to get it - you have to spend 70 crore rupees within a month. However, some rules for spending will be given, and all expenses must be accounted for. If you can spend Rs 70 crore according to the rules, all the property will be yours. What would you do then? I will also tell you what I did, but it would be nice if you could also know by then.

Yes, there is an excellent Chinese movie based on such a story. Which is a really nice movie to cheer up.


Introduction of the movie:

Movie Name - Hello MR. Billionaire.
Directors - Damo Peng, Fei Yan.
Release Date - July 27, 2018.
Country - China.
Movie Type - Comedy Drama.
Movie Time - 1 hour and 58 minutes.

Will see in the movie:


A hero with extreme talent, who will make everyone laugh throughout the movie. A healthy dose of extreme entertainment, light romance, great football matches and a different paradigm of winning and losing and a good hearted mentality in life. Also a great example of how to donate money in exchange for fat. Not much seen in modern day people.

The main scenes are briefly presented:


Wang's excellent goalkeeping and opposition players cheering for Wang at the end of the game.

Then dropped from the team. Don't be dishonest with your team in exchange for money.

Suffering from the disease of being famous, Xia made a video on the phone to turn famous Wang and his friend into the police.

Passing the examination of the person asking to pay money without knowing and knowing about the expenses of 70 crores in a month according to the conditions.

Simple and honest man Wang's scene of not spending money...amazing act of making money through business.

Xia's knowledge of her boyfriend proves her poisons wrong and the beginning of a light romance.

People started liking Wang's investiture until the mad scientist's artificial swimming setup.

A writer's persona selling and reciting poems to garden trees when needed for money, as well as scenes of becoming a gardener. In one word, the power of money can be seen.

Making a nation of a country lose fat and become extraordinary people by spending money.

Finally stupid Wang passes his grandfather's test and acquires women, cars, houses and all the wealth as like heaven.

In life, big wins can be found in losing losses. People are not defeated by all defeats.

In one word, a wonderful movie Hello Mr. of Billionaire. You will surely laugh when you see it.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read the article.


It looks like a very fun movie! I will try to watch it!


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