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RE: At Close Range

in CineTVlast year

Haven’t seen this one in a while. I vaguely remember it being kind of sad. It’s strange to see Sean Penn and Christopher Walken so much younger, but a nice reminder everyone was young once. 70s, 80s, and 90s movies have their own defining atmospheres that really send you back to another time—before mobile phones and the Internet and 24 hr news cycles.

I think someone made a post about this suggestion just a couple months ago, but the 1986’s Angel Heart starring De Niro and Rourke left me with quite the impression hours after I checked it out. Can’t believe they had Lisa Bonet from Cosby Show too but I guess everyone wants super-bad to be edgy at some point in our lives.


Yes Sean penn seems like a baby compared to now 😂😂