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RE: "The Sea Beast" (2022) - Movie Review

in CineTV2 years ago

Just saw this movie with my niece yesterday and it was amazing. I really enjoyed the adventure and the boldness of the little orphan girl. One funny thing is when my niece who after seeing the movie told me to take her to the sea so she could also befriend a sea monster and I looked her in the eyes and said alright let's go but get ready to be eaten whole😂.

The movie industry has a way of messing with our minds.


The movie had some good messages in it -- even heroes can be wrong, who writes the history we learn to take as truth, and what happens when we empathize with an individual or group that our society tells us to vilify?

I'm glad to hear this film inspired your niece to want to check out the sea and look for a sea-monster friend. It's always good when a TV show or movie inspires curiosity like that.

Wishing you and your niece lots of luck with the monster-hunting and thank you for checking out my post! Very much appreciated!