The Silent Sea is Full of Poop

in CineTV2 years ago


It's been a while since I last enjoyed a good Sci-Fi show, so I was quite stoked when this Korean series first popped up in my coming soon feed. The trailer looked really good and I have enjoyed plenty of good Korean sci-fi in the past. Yay!

It came out three days ago I think and today I had the chance to binge watch it. Visually the series was excellent and imo so was the acting. When it comes to special effects, with a few exceptions here and there the silent sea has nothing to be jealous of Hollywood.

But visuals aren't everything in this life! Up to the third or the 4th episode I really liked the show but then the plot just gets too silly for my taste. And the ending was even sillier and probably broke most if not all physics rules out there, lmao. However the idea was original and unique. I'll give it that.

Furthermore, there were lots of moments that the show just dragged on and on for no reason. I think it could have easily been 3 episodes shorter or maybe even a stand alone movie.

Anyways, not total dog shit but nothing great either. I will give it a meh/10.


i watched it yesterday too and i have to say it was one of the most boring scifi thrillers ive ever watched. The effects were meh, the plot was not plausible at all (completely shitting on known laws of physics as you said), and the entire show just felt like people aimlessly running around a moon base. It was just really really boring and not entertaining for me at all compared to something like lost in space. Maybe they should have changed the plot so that it doesnt all take place at the same moon complex.

You summed it up well 😅 yeah the wondering around the same places again and again was also boring

Saw a lot of advertising for this series but I am waiting for people to watch and tell me their feedback so I don't waste my time and from your review I might just not bother because a movie plot is very important.

The reasons it probably dragged on and on was because, they probably want to lay emphasis to some aspects of the plot simply becat they've come to realise that plot isn't everything.

I've been on the fence with this one, so your review just pushed it on the skip file. Lol!

Personally, I haven't found a Koren sci-fi tv show or movie that I liked. They're great with other genres, especially horror, fantasy, and mystery-thrillers, but as a fan of sci-fi, they just haven't cracked that code, yet.

Up to the third or the 4th episode I really liked the show but then the plot just gets too silly for my taste. And the ending was even sillier and probably broke most if not all physics rules out there, lmao. However the idea was original and unique. I'll give it that.

This pretty much describes a lot of sci-fi content for me. Lol!

Watch sisiphus if you haven't , I liked that!

Sounds really good. I do like these type of films, korean films are so good now (expensive to produce). recently I watched train to Busan, it's so good and also sequel to it. That's set in the aftermath but it's only average !


They can be hit and miss Korean films. But still enjoyable

A friend of mine had this on while I was over. I agree there’s not much that grabs you to keep watching it

I believe u really enjoyed ur self that is great ...i think I need to watch out for something like this as well

Great, I really love the movie as you said it now because I can see you will really enjoy the movie.

stop watching shit and give The Witcher a try

I started it today pleb

good, I thought you might be allergic to watching actual decent stuff :P

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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