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RE: The Bastard of Istanbul!!

in Wheels of Lifelast year

It seems like you possess more knowing acquaintances than most other natives of this land.
Thats surpassingly true. Yet when you talk about Turkey,the top two thoughts come to my mind are the historic facts which are hard for me to forget.

Number one, The Magnificent Century, the teli-drama of turkish media which depicted a legendary portrayal of the 10th sultan of Automan Emperor and most of the hidden truths that the pre world war history have to say. Watching Yuziel series,gave me sone sort of Idea of how the culture,trends of society and psychologies were there few centuries ago.

Number two,the Erdogan and NATO alliances, some of the political saga to the Khilzi narrative which we studied as the first Musilm conqueror to attack Sen dynasty in ancient Bengal.

But, what can I say? Every time I go through reading you, I get impressed by the aesthetics and beautiful mind that you have, its so good. It seems like, I just cant get away opining how I feel about your posts.

Anyway,happy reading.Pray that the recent hurricane in Bay of Bengal doesn’t turn to be dangerous.God bless you.


the top two thoughts come to my mind are the historic facts which are hard for me to forget.

Yeah, I got along with some of these "behind the scenes" parts from my father. In my young age, I sort of had to listen to his lectures on these historical issues. So thanks to him, from where I've some খোরাক in acquaintances :3

To some point, the same kind of feeling comes in my mind when people ask "which country suffers most in WW2", history cheers for Soviet Union, where I believe it should be Japan. I know, it's a long debate, going out of track again!

And couldn't thanks more for your appreciation and well wishes! Oh hey, I've got a great news which you'll find interesting! Here's my mail address. Kindly knock me wherever you're free. ([email protected])

history cheers for Soviet Union, where I believe it should be Japan

Second world war most probably had their top collaborators written with golden letters, names that history wouldn’t dare to forget. Aimless imperialism was behind such acts and Hitler had kicked off the grand finale back then.

But, the rise of Atomic (the absolute weapon) bomb had lot of things to say, including Einstein's prognosis of ww3 and the stakes of another war, the fate of humankind and earthly existence, very awful and frightening - turning out to be.

Make an excuse for being slightly irrelevant,but the key point was about - turkey and culture,since your book review revolves around these topics and socialism.

Oh hey, I've got a great news which you'll find interesting!

Whats the news? Is that bit confidential?🫡 ok,through mail then. But, do you have discord?

Yep, I got your point.
Have you read Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl? That's the book I recommend everyone whenever this topic arises.

I will check and tell you how I felt reading the write.
Thanks. 💐