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RE: Green Thursday - Color challenge - Farewell to green.

in ColorChallenge2 years ago (edited)

This is how an inadequate person answers me when I remark that his posts are a set of thoughtless words and the use of the POB tag, in this case, is inappropriate. He does what he pleases, he can write nonsense, or he can accuse anyone of farming.
As for the form of publishing posts about postage stamps, suggest me another template that will show you step by step the formation of a series of postage stamps, I will heed your advice.
As for Leofinance, the topic of postage stamps was accepted by the community and I asked permission for this topic of publications, justifying its importance. All principles of cryptocurrency pricing, such as burning to add value, have been borrowed from postage stamps. Simply, postage stamps were before cryptocurrencies. In terms of the importance of my posts, they are unique and find philatelist Twitter followers who learn about Hive.
