Tuesday Orange - Color challenge - Strophariaceae.

in ColorChallenge2 years ago

It is very easy to find plots for photographs in winter, in which the orange color will be present, especially in Ukraine, where flows of supplies of tangerines and oranges from all over the world flock.

But, I decided to complicate my task and look for something more unusual and interesting.

On one cut tree, on its high stump, I found two species of woody mushrooms.

One of them I showed you on Sunday, and today, Tuesday, it's time for the mushrooms of the Strophariaceae family.

It is a poisonous mushroom that is not worth tasting, but it is good for me, I mean it looks great in a photo.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
I edited a photo in the program PhotoDirector, which I also installed on my smartphone.

Author @barski

For my publications, I do not use stock photographs, it is fundamentally important for me to use photographs that I have made with my own hands for publication and I can name them - authorial work.



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