Polar and Forest Biomes. Info for learners

in Education2 years ago

Polar Biomes

**We refer to the polar ice cap biome as the regions of the planet covered by ice most of the year. This includes large portions of the arctic and antarctic. Defining an Ice cap: A polar ice cap or polar ice sheet is a high-latitude region of a planet or moon that is covered in ice. **


Antarctica is one of the continents and is also a 'polar biome'.

There are no people that lives here permanently, but scientists come and go to do certain experiments.

Think about the following questions and answer it

  • What do you think the weather is like on this continent?
  • Why do you think the people do not live here permanently?
  • Can you think of a reason why scientists would go there?
  • Do the think the animals on this continent are adapted to live here? Why do you say that?

The 'Tropical rain forest biome' is totally opposite from the 'Polar biome'

Here you will find more species (kinds) of plants and animals than in any other biome. The humidity and temperature is nice and warm and a great place for plants to grow. This biome also gets more than 2000 mm rain per year.


The forest consist of different layers that starts from the ground up to the highest tree. In each of these layers you will find different plants and animals.

The four layers are

Emergent Layer. These giant trees thrust above the dense canopy layer and have huge mushroom-shaped crowns. ...

Canopy Layer. The broad, irregular crowns of these trees form a tight, continuous canopy 60 to 90 feet above the ground. ...


Forest Floor

A lot of the rainforest have been destroyed by humans and this is actually a huge problem because the rainforest is very important to us.

Can you name 2 reasons why plants are important to us?

Plants and animals and also humans have adapted to survive in this biome. Unfortunately there is a lot of deforestation (cutting down of trees) going on and the rainforest is in danger.


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