Education in times of pandemic

in Education3 years ago (edited)
Education is nothing more than the development of knowledge in different areas and activities, in addition to knowing skills that can be very useful. In life, education is the most important thing because through learning we obtain personal values, norms and allows the advancement in the progress that a person can have during his life.

Image alluding to education

Public domain image taken from Pxhere

According to León (2007), education seeks the perfection and security of the human being. It also presupposes a vision of the world and of life, a conception of the mind, of knowledge and a way of thinking, a conception of the future and a way of satisfying human needs, the need to live and be safe, to know oneself, to create and produce.

In other words, education seeks to train human beings through learning and thus develop skills that will allow them to achieve their dreams and goals during their lives. Today, due to the global pandemic, schools, high schools and universities have had to conduct classes virtually in order not to raise the levels of contagion that may originate.

Virtual classes

Public domain image taken from Pixabay

Despite the fact that the schools are closed, students receive their classes virtually in order to avoid delays. Technological tools such as the Internet, computers, smart phones and educational software have been used to enable students to fulfill their responsibilities and deliver their activities efficiently and quickly.

Although students do not attend classes in person, they have promoted different benefits for them, since they have managed to obtain individualized teachings, with the help of representatives and teachers, there may also be some disadvantages, for example in some countries there are some disadvantages in the virtual education process, since the internet connections are very poor, in addition to the lack of some technology equipment due to high costs.

For those who have the opportunity to have the necessary technological tools, they will be able to obtain significant learning, as long as the teacher efficiently manages the technological means he/she uses and also uses optimal learning strategies to keep the student's attention. Thank you for staying with me until the end.

Bibliographic references
  • León, A. (2007), What is education. University of the Andes, Venezuela


Ya there are advantages and disadvantages.