The importance of experimental design in agricultural research.

in Education3 years ago (edited)
Dear readers, in the different areas of knowledge it is important to conduct research to generate new knowledge and theories, in the agricultural sciences experimental research is essential to be able to give answers to different hypotheses raised by researchers in order to establish new methodologies for planting, fertilization, pest and weed control, as well as to check the efficiency of any product of synthetic or biological origin to improve crop yields. In this sense, at the moment of establishing an experimental research it is important to plan it and establish an experimental design that allows the collection of data to be as accurate as possible.

Design by @amestyj with own image and public domain PIXABAY

Finally, I will share with you some stages of agricultural research projects that should be considered when starting an experimental research.

According to Villegas (2010), researchers plan experiments or research with the intention of compiling a large amount of information that will allow them to achieve their objectives. In the field of agriculture, if an experiment is to be carried out, a previous design must be made in order to implement an objective analysis; to achieve this, the experimental design is extremely useful as it is a vitally important means for the experimental development of a research.

In consideration of the above, Tamayo (1990) defines the experimental design as a plan or strategy which is characterized by variation, when the author speaks of variation he means that in this model different variables are taken into account that can be manipulated with different treatments, for example, a variable that is measured in the plants is the height which can vary depending on the factors that are manipulated such as the type of fertilization applied, on the other hand, to corroborate which was the most favorable treatment, the data collected in statistical programs are processed.

Design by @amestyj with images captured in an experimental area with grasslands.

From the above mentioned, it is evident that planning an experiment with the use of a correct experimental design, together with a statistical processing of a large amount of data allows an accurate analysis of the results and reach objective conclusions; whoever develops the research by logic must clearly know the problem and/or the object to be studied, which will allow him to apply the exact design that allows him to safely infer about the results obtained.

It is important to mention that agricultural development should be based on research that allows evaluating through experiments the behavior of crops, as well as the adaptability of some plants to different agro-ecological zones. To do this, a multidisciplinary team should be formed with the presence of an agricultural engineer and, of course, a specialist in the area of statistics to select the ideal experimental design for the type of study carried out.

Finally, I will share with you some stages of agricultural research projects that should be considered when starting an experimental research.

  • Problem
  • Objectives
  • Hypothesis
  • Experimental design
  • Data collection
  • Application of statistical methods
  • Analysis of results
  • Conclusions
Bibliographic references
1. Tapia, J. (2012). Statistical design of experiments. Ediciones UNELLEZ, Barinas: Venezuela.

2. Kuehl, R. (2001). Designs of experiments. 2 ed. Thomson publishers. D.F: Mexico.

3. Padrón, E. (2009). Experimental designs with application to agriculture and livestock. 2 ed. Trillas. D.F: Mexico.

4. Tamayo, M. (1990). Dictionary of scientific research. 2 ed. Limusa. D.F: Mexico.



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