Tips to make environmental education easier for children.

in Education3 years ago

The topic of pollution and climate change is so important and so common nowadays that even the youngest children need to know about this important topic, and what better way to learn about it than through environmental education.



Through environmental education children should know that every action of our daily life has an impact on the planet where we live. So we must teach them to recycle, take care of what we have and save as much water as we can, these small actions at home can make a difference.

To children we must create awareness and care for the world in which we live, and that is why they need to know the existing environmental problems, so that they respect nature and we will last longer on this planet.

But then you may wonder how we will put into practice this environmental education?

  • First point: Recycle.
  • Second point: Reuse.
  • Third point: Reduce.

It is very important to follow these three steps to start with the little ones and teach them how we can take care of the environment we have.

From childhood habits are acquired in all facets of life: respect for the environment should be one of them, more and more.

It is worth mentioning that the following tips are recommended to begin to deepen the subject.

  • Teach your children that water is not an unlimited resource: Even with all the technology that exists today there are many people on planet earth who do not have access to water. So it is a good example to teach our children to take care of water from home, save water in the bathroom, in any of the things you are doing, among others.

  • Recycle paper: in any of the presentations of white paper we can teach them that both sides can be used. In the same way, teach them how to separate waste from garbage.

  • Use public transportation or bicycles: if you use a bicycle, in addition to doing a very healthy sport for our body, we are taking care of the environment.

  • Reuse: we know that in the first instance when we no longer use some things we can give them a second use by recycling. Anything, from clothes to electrical appliances. We can give a second use to everything, even food leftovers, rotten vegetables are an excellent fertilizer for plants.

  • Remove plastic from your life: it is fashionable to use cloth bags, but there is still excessive use of plastic.

  • Touching again on the subject of recycling: we can teach our children to make recyclable toys with waste materials we have at home, this will be a very fun family activity.

  • Educate in respect: not only values are important, respect for animals and plants are part of this journey. When they go for a walk, teach them how to care for and not pollute the places they visit.



  • Consume seasonal foods: in this way we will teach our children that nature has its cycles and we must respect them.

  • Save energy at home: turning off all electrical appliances when we are not using them is very important, since the electricity bill will be lower and we will be taking care of the planet.

  • Put into practice a responsible consumption: buying only what is necessary is a good example, it will help your pocket and you will leave for others. Buying more means throwing away more.

Another idea you can put into practice with your sons or daughters is responsible consumption, buying what is essential and only what you need. If you buy more, you will throw away more.

The ideas are there! Now all that remains is to put them into action.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1] environmental education for children