What should the attitude of a good teacher be like?

in Education2 years ago

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The responsibilities of a teacher are multiple, because depending on the level of education that he/she is teaching, his/her responsibilities will be different, however, in general terms, a teacher must teach under certain parameters or premises to educate his/her students and that the student feels that his/her learning process is being facilitated with the help of his/her teacher.

For example, it is very easy for a teacher to assume within certain academic parameters that teaching must be accompanied by that initiative for the student to develop concepts that are attached to the known bibliographic theories, however, the teacher's responsibility is also beyond the academic, since even the teacher can motivate the student to learn and acquire knowledge, especially in the initial stages where the student lacks motivation.

We teachers as participants in the generation of a comprehensive and quality education, we are given the task of teaching in the best possible way, so that our teaching is suitable is necessary that we can have characteristics that allow us to master the subject we are going to teach, and on the other hand it is also important our attitude, it is useless to know how to master the subject to explain if our attitude is not correct.

Our attitude as a good teacher is developed based on certain innate characteristics that are not taught at the university when we were training, but rather based on the experience with our students, there are negative scenarios so that the teacher in the classroom must face the ability to adapt and adapt that is unique to their own ability to develop an attitude that leads him to act with flexibility and therefore establish a fluid communication with the student that allows to establish a teaching process that leads to quality learning.

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What if the teacher's characteristics are patience and empathy?

We must take into account that before being a teacher we were also students, which is why we must put ourselves in the student's place, especially when the student goes through moments where the learning process is difficult, when we put ourselves in the student's place is because we develop an empathy that allows us to go coupling our teaching in favor of facilitating the student's learning.

A golden rule for the teacher is to never get tired of explaining, many times the student does not grasp what we teach and we must be patient enough to repeat as many times as it takes for the student to learn.

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The evolution of education through technological advances means that the good teacher has to be updated, to be in permanent innovation that warrants the educational changes of the future.

Perhaps I missed to name and explain some other characteristics that make the teacher a good teacher, however these are some characteristics of which I think make the teacher the closest to being a good teacher, finally I want to add that a good teacher needs to act with the necessary authority to act and interact in the classroom with respect, for this it is necessary that the teacher acts under a complicated balance between rigor and flexibility, all with the intention to make the best decisions and lead to a spontaneous educational performance with high self-esteem and humility.