Why leadership as a process that motivates the rest of a team?

in Education2 years ago

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It is common that in our lives we have belonged to a group within a job or any other activity, in which we see that the group is commanded by a person enhancing the values above the rest of the group, this is what we know as a leader.

Why do we see only one person stand out in the group over the rest of the people who make up the team?

Not all people have the quality of being able to command a group of people and lead them to achieve a common goal, the person who can count on these skills will be imposed above the rest as the team leader, but the most important thing is that despite all the qualities expressed, only one person can be the leader of a team, since there are few who can command having a high degree of influence over the people he leads, thus being able to enter even in the thinking of others.

As a conclusion we can take into account that leadership is a complex process, since it depends on the talent and skills of the person who decides to take on the leadership, however it is the innate personality of the person that predominates to lead the leadership, to that additionally can be added the skills that he/she acquires based on his/her experience as a leader.

One way in which we can quickly relate and recognize a leader, is by their ability to motivate, both personally and to be able to impregnate the rest of the team with the same motivation.


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What a nice post, I really liked to find information in which I am allowed to clarify how is the possible profile of a leader, I read and it reminds me a lot of my childhood in the vacation plans, in which we were always encouraging us to achieve the daily challenges, for me this is a welcome contribution.

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