The return to face-to-face classes is confirmed in Venezuela.

in Education3 years ago

Greetings to all readers, it is a reality that many of us know, when it comes to education worldwide began to be at a distance from the moment the pandemic began, due to how easily COVID-19 is transmitted and how dangerous it is, this being a great change in global education, where all people had a strong adaptation process, from remote jobs to social distancing including education, which underwent many changes that were made possible by technology.

In the particular case of Venezuela, since March 13, 2020, distance classes came into force in 5 States of the country, in which cases of COVID-19 had already been detected, and from March 16 the decree on radical quarantine came into force throughout the country, due to the detection of more cases of COVID-19, at which time education at all levels was in full swing, and strong adaptation processes began in the current education, in order to finish the school year and classes at the university level.

The image used is from Public Domain, Author: Wokandapix, 2017

The reality that was experienced from that moment was very strong, both for educators and students, starting with a process of adaptation on the fly, in order that education did not stop, despite the many efforts, classes did not start in all educational institutions in the country, claiming that the conditions for the change of distance education were not in line with the requirements.

After a year and a half or a little more, the adaptation to distance education and the evolution of technology has improved the quality of education. However, in a presidential announcement made a few days ago by the President of Venezuela, he announced the return to face-to-face classes throughout the country as from October 25 of this year, at all levels of education.

The image used is from Public Domain, Author: Stefan Meller, 2018

This call to face-to-face classes will not be 100% face-to-face, this is due to the fact that in the country there is a modality called 7 x 7, that is to say, 7 days of flexibility in which education will be carried out face-to-face, as well as all businesses and many other activities, and 7 days of quarantine where education will be given from home, therefore it can be considered as a semi-presential education.

Since the beginning of the pandemic it was very difficult to adapt to distance education and a new lifestyle in general, despite the pandemic continues in the life of each person the government decides to resume face-to-face classes, so many people must change their rhythm of life once again, completely changing the way of doing things in their day to day life, from my personal perspective, it is not the right time to resume this type of education, this is due to multiple factors that affect a large group of people, among the main reasons we can get a salary that does not meet the needs of the teacher, so they perform other activities that will be interfered with the return to classroom classes, it will be a difficult time in education in Venezuela, just wait, thanks for reading my article.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image of the Banner at the bottom, is in the public domain obtained from: PixaBay


Hola amigo @chucho27.
Un gran artículo el que nos compartes en esta oportunidad, en realidad como muy bien expresas la llegada de la pandemia nos dificulto nuestro normal desenvolvimiento en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas y la educación de escapo de lo antes expresado, esperemos que en el caso de Venezuela podamos tomar el ritmo de las clases presenciales lo más pronto posible.

Gracias amigo por compartir tan importante noticia para todos los Venezolanos. Saludos y muchos éxitos.

Saludos @rbalzan79, ya hay fecha para el inicio de las clases presenciales, no creo que sea el momento indicado para retomar estas actividades, pero la decisión ya está tomada, sólo toca esperar a ver que sucede en un futuro cercano, gracias por comentar mi publicación.

Greetings @ chucho27
Education in Venezuela will have more distance than face to face moments, due to the deterioration of educational facilities at all levels of the public sector, these environments can not be repaired overnight, no matter how much will you have the directors, administrators, authorities of the institutions. The instructions issued by the President of the Republic seem to be made in ignorance of the reality of the Venezuelan educational sub-system or to pretend that everything is in the best way.

Thank you very much for sharing your post