
in Education2 years ago
Hello dear education community, today I want to share with you some symptoms that let us see that we are having anxiety.

Anxiety is a mental state that leads us to fall into depression and insomnia.


Caused by several emotional factors.

Such as low self-esteem, toxic relationships, which lead us to create a dependent emotional connection.

It is not easy to get out of this kind of problems.

It is necessary to work constantly, starting with creating emotional dependence.

Strengthening your self-esteem, making a self-analysis of what you want for you, to begin to devote more time to yourself.

To love, value and respect yourself.

You begin to see many factors that led you to fall into this type of relationship.

In some cases, we may be suffering from anxiety and we manage to detect it.

An anxious person could be one who pretends to feel good, avoiding that other people raise judgment of the situation in which they find themselves.

We come to think that something bad is about to happen.

There are so many days of sleeplessness and worries that even without doing anything, their body and mind are completely exhausted.

They are sad, as they cannot have control of their own emotions and what is happening.

They feel depressed and that from one moment to the next they can manage to go crazy.

In some cases, they come to feel that they are suffering from some serious illness.

Some everyday things, such as getting out of bed. Going to work, bathing, eating or socializing is something that is difficult to do.

It is necessary to detect some symptoms and start working to get out of this state of anxiety.


Reading, walking, enjoying the outdoors, dancing, being happy with the little or much you have, thanking God for everything that happens in your life, socializing more, forgiving, being in harmony with everything around us, having emotional and spiritual peace of mind, taking time for yourself to love, heal and accept yourself as you are, meditating and sleeping well.

They lead us to gradually get out of this state of mind.

La ansiedad es un tema de salud que no se debe pasar por alto. Ataca a niños y adultos y son varias las causas que lo generan.

Es importante darse cuenta a tiempo. Hacerse preguntas, ¿qué me está pasando? ¿por qué me siento así?, otras...buscar soluciones y ayudas profesionales.


Hola amiga eso es correcto, gracias por visitar mi blog

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