Importance of music in the education of the child.

in Education4 years ago

Music is the greatest source of aesthetic and spiritual pleasure. It is able to inspire, ignite a person, instill in him the spirit of vivacity and energy, but it can also lead to a state of melancholy, pain and silent sadness. A characteristic feature of music is a strong, subtle and profound influence on a person's inner world.


The task of art and music, in particular, is "to help the child in the knowledge of the world."

Listening to music is extremely important for human development. The repeated perception of the best examples of musical creativity teaches the child to think, feel, experience states of mind expressed in artistic images.

Music has great educational value. Thanks to it, children's speech is enriched with words and phrases that characterize the mood, feelings, images, thus increasing their vocabulary. With its help, moral and aesthetic education, understanding of the beautiful is carried out.

Playing a musical instrument, singing, or listening to music develops a child's emotionality and receptivity.

Perception is the starting point for the emergence of experiences, including musical ones. If the musical perception is accompanied by visual, tactile, and other components, the child's musical experience deepens.


Music works through a wide range of expressive media: timbre, tempo, dynamics. They convey the mood, the main idea of ​​the work, evoke associations with the phenomena of life that surround the child.

It is important to form in children the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the full perception of musical works, to develop their musical and creative abilities, as well as their interest and taste in music.

Music has a beneficial effect on the intellectual development of children. Stimulates brain activity in general: music lessons optimize brain function, and this cannot help but affect the best performance of the most diverse mental work.

Music helps develop the analytical thinking skills on which school science relies heavily, as it is the most abstract and structured of all the arts.


There are many professions where you need to react to simultaneous readings from many devices, instantly accumulate information from different sources, and make a decision immediately.

Musicians are open to communication, they have something to say, something to share, something to discuss, this is facilitated by a broad musical horizon. The habit of listening to and understanding the other makes musicians softer and more tolerant. At the same time, her volitional qualities do not suffer, they only strengthen.

Music and speech are psychological relatives and neuropsychological neighbors. "Musical language" and "musical speech" are not metaphors at all. A single space of speech and music is formed in the human brain, the foundations of which were established with song.

Singing is the most fundamental evidence of the affinity between speech and music and its focus, and therefore singing still aids the development of speech.

A musical person differs from the others in that he possesses the semantic key of speech: meaningful intonation. A student's literacy is also directly related to intonation and phrase.

Music lessons involve all parts of the brain in complex work, which means that music training increases success in learning to read, develops phonemic hearing, and improves representations of space-time. Often times, the development of intellectual mathematical skills depends on music. Furthermore, children with good ears learn foreign languages ​​more easily.

But the main objective of teaching music is to educate the soul of a child, because all parents want to see their children kind, understanding, who understand and appreciate the beauty of the world around them, human relationships and art. These wonderful human qualities cannot be developed without music. Ancient philosophers understood the importance of music for personal development, who believed that music had a positive effect on the body, spirit, and intellect.


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