Tips on what to do in the midst of a natural disaster.

in Education4 years ago

In recent months we have seen many natural events around the world, which have taken many lives. Sometimes they cannot be avoided, but others are due to negligence. If we are aware that one of these events is about to happen, we must avoid being in the midst of them, since we risk our lives.

In the event that you are informed that a natural disaster is approaching in your area, you must keep informed and follow the instructions of the entities in charge of such cases.


Here are some tips that we can follow. By knowing and observing these simple rules, you can avoid situations that are dangerous to health and life.

In case of rain


  • When you receive information about heavy rains, avoid traveling around the city, if possible, stay at home.

  • Stay informed turn on the radio.

  • If the rain caught you outside, try to hide in buildings located above the possible flood level.

  • If a downpour caught you on your personal transportation, do not attempt to overcome flooded areas. Slowly move into the right lane (on the side of the road) and, without resorting to emergency braking, stop moving. Turn on the emergency lights and wait.

  • In the event of a rapid arrival of water, abandon the vehicle and go to an elevated area of ​​the land or to the nearest building.

In case of strong winds


  • In case of strong wind, you should immediately remove household items from the patio and balconies, close the windows.

  • The car should be parked away from trees and weakly reinforced structures.

  • While on the street, avoid being near billboards, buildings, and houses with a shaky roof. Avoid high-risk trees and various structures (bridges, overpasses, pipes, power lines, potentially dangerous industrial facilities).

In case of hail


  • If possible, don't leave the house. When you are indoors, stay as far away from windows as possible. Do not use electrical appliances, as hail is often accompanied by thunderstorm activity;

  • When you are on the street, try to choose a cover. If this is not possible, protect your head from hail blows (cover your head with your hands, bag, clothing);

  • Do not try to find shelter under trees, as there is a great risk not only of being struck by lightning, but also of the fact that large hail stones and strong winds can break tree branches.

  • If you drive a car, stop driving.

  • Stay away from windows while in a car. It is advisable to turn your back and cover your eyes with your hands or clothing;

  • If you have small children with you, then you should cover them with your body and also cover your eyes with clothes or with your hand;

  • Never leave the vehicle during hail. Remember that the average duration of a hail is approximately 6 minutes, and very rarely lasts more than 15 minutes.

Basic rules for safe behavior in a thunderstorm


During a thunderstorm, the main danger is lightning. In addition to the usual linear (or zigzag) ray, a ball ray is sometimes observed - a luminous ball that floats in midair above the earth's surface and explodes when colliding with any solid object.

Lightning bolts are dangerous when followed by thunder. In this case, take urgent precautions:

  • in an apartment, house, building, turn off all available appliances;

  • do not stand near open windows and doors, and do not touch water taps, pipes;

  • The windows of the room must be closed to prevent the entry of ball rays.

When you are outdoors, in a park area or in the forest:

  • it cannot hide under tall trees, it is better to get away from them at a safe distance (30-40 meters). The probability of lightning striking a particular tree is directly proportional to its height. The danger increases if there are already nearby trees that were previously struck by lightning;

  • on the street, try to hide in a store or a residential building as soon as possible, they have reliable protection against lightning, unlike public transport stops;

  • Avoid fishing activities or walks to the beach.

  • It is better to turn off your cell phone when you are outside, during a lightning storm.


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