R Language - How to Create Voronoi Diagram in R

in Educationlast year

In this post, we take a look at How to Create Voronoi Diagram in R. This is one of those diagrams that are often used by the context specific data science works. And there would be a lot of simple charts that we can take a look at in this particular tutorial.

Previously I covered the dot plot. For most of the people they can easily come up with the dot plots in R and they can manage to do most of the plotting and the designing of the same in R easily but the thing is that it would be not easy to handle these.

Do make sure to use the RStudio IDE because it would be lot easier for you to do the lot and also make some of the good charts that are easy to create and use as well. So for that context I would say using RStudio and even the data grip like tool would be a good option too.

I have created a video to give you an overview on How to Create Voronoi Diagram in R. You should give this one a try.

Let's start.

First thing we would be thinking about making use of the libraries, sample data and also getting the plot on the screen. So we make sure to go there step by step as well.

You need a library called deldir. This would be enough for making your code work.


Now next thing would be making use of the sample data. I am going to be jotting down some of the same in the code below.

x <- runif(50)
y <- runif(50)

Now it's time to add the Tesselation and tiles into the code and get it into the plot but before that let's add the values.

ts <- deldir(x, y)
tiles <- tile.list(ts)

We have our data now which you can check out.


Now let's draw the plot because we have everything we need to draw the plot there. So let's check that part out.

plot(tiles, pch = 19)

Next thing let's check the plot below.


That's it. We have managed to create the plot that we wanted. We made sure to start with the simple example but more you work on the things then it becomes easier for you to work with as well.

However do make sure to experiment with variety of changes that you can do with the configuration for this chart. And that would be one way to deal with the different results. So you should check out the options related to the chart.

I have been covering a lot of plots, graphs and the variety of analytics tools. Though I write once a week on them but it can be a good option to check out for anyone who wants to explore such tools and get things properly done.

As I said previously in one of my content tutorials, I am covering a lot of database, cloud, data science related content. So if you happen to be in one of those fields then make sure to check out the content posted here. I am sure you would learn a lot of things as well.

If you happen to like this content, do give me feedback over there and that would help me improve my efforts in near future.


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