in Education3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image Pixabay

Greetings dear friends of HIVE and especially to the members of this prestigious community of Education, today I bring you this publication making an analysis of the educational process, describing a little of the processes that a teacher must perform in order to fulfill his process of educating in the right way in these times of pandemic.

The educational task in these new times has had to change the concept in the teaching-learning process, which was conceived as a face-to-face educational process to be obligatorily adapted to the causes of the Covid-19 pandemic for a more dynamic education, where the technological tools have been undoubtedly the fundamental pillar of the new teaching process at all educational levels, serving educational systems and programs designed for each level of education, thus taking the baton in the new educational paradigm at a distance.

¿What is SEEN in the teaching-learning process in pandemic?

-The OnLine Classes: Currently the vast majority of teachers and professors (educators in general) are using the tools on-line classes, through programs and systems such as Whatsapp, Telegram, virtual classrooms, text messages, zoom video conference, YouTube educational channel, Moodle platforms, among many others, where the teacher can interact with students and explain all the programmatic content of the curricular units or subjects to be taught.

Image taken from:Pixabay

¿What is NOT seen in the teaching-learning process in pandemic?.

The virtual educational process goes through a series of elements that the teacher must go through in order to show the final product to the class, in a more friendly way that can be easily understood and that will help the student to put it into practice in the educational stage.

-Planning: It is in charge of delimiting the objectives and goals established for a course or class section. This type of planning allows you to define what to do, how to do it and what resources, strategies and pedagogies are used to achieve the objectives.

-Search for new material: It consists of searching the web or books for new or current content to be included in the classes.

-Design of audiovisual material: It consists of elaborating the classes with the tools used by the teacher to show them on the dates scheduled for the classes, where they must be as clear and precise as possible according to the educational level.

Image taken from:Pixabay

-Reception, correction and return of assignments: After placing the activities on the established dates each student must send the tasks and the teacher must be attentive to be able to receive them, evaluate them all and send them back with the respective note and suggestion in some cases individually.

-Individual monitoring of each student: Each student should be given a particularized monitoring in their teaching-learning process, because all students do not assimilate the contents taught in the same way and the teacher is able to evaluate the student and find the best teaching strategy.

-Answers to doubts and queries 24/7: The teacher is available 24 hours a day to address any concerns of the students. Through all existing means of communication.

-Preparation of reports and newsletters: Every teacher must participate today in the preparation of reports and newsletters that serve to give an evaluation of the qualities of the students since in some educational levels the evaluations are qualitative and in others quantitative.

-Training in new virtual pedagogical strategies: Every teacher must be trained in new ICTs to have enough tools to serve in their educational process.

-Incorporation and training in new technologies: The teacher must always be incorporating and at the forefront in the training of new technologies to be able to know them and apply them in their work environment.

-Team meetings: The teacher should hold meetings with groups of teachers to exchange experience and evaluation methods to apply them in class.

As I have already mentioned, the teaching-learning process, in these new times through technology, goes through a series of processes that must be fulfilled first and foremost by the teacher and that requires a lot of effort and sacrifice to be able to fulfill their profession.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.


You are right. Muh of what is done "behind the curtains" is not only unseen, it is unpaid.
Teachers were already in a dire situation financially; now when you add health issues, a total lack of health infrastructure; technology issues and a considerable lack of tech resources and services, we have a very complicated scenario.
Much to learn and improve but few incentives to do it.
Students' motivation have also been seriously affected. Distant learning is not going to yield a good harvest.

Greetings @ hlezama. You are very right the educational activity is very poorly paid and the sacrifice that we teachers make is by vocation and commitment to students but is reaching unsustainable levels that make you lose interest and that affects the quality of teaching.
Thank you very much for your comments

You don't see the same aspects of teaching without a pandemic. All of the same preparations would be required to teach in a classroom, or online.

Greetings @ phusionphil. It is very true. The strategies and teaching methods implemented for the classes were not the same before, if we get to face-to-face classes there will be more tools for teachers to be able to teach their classes.
Thank you very much for your comments


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