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RE: Masters of Teaching Mind Dump #18

in Education3 years ago

So... Magnetism, it is a really tricky subject. There are so many student (and adult) misconceptions about magnetism and fields. I had to research quite a few of them, so that I could address them in the Assignment... and wow, I was surprised! Charged poles?!?!?... Magnetic field carriers??!?!?!... field lines (flux) are actual real things?!?!?!?!?...


Just remember not everyone is as brilliant as you and able to learn new things on a level like you can. But I do understand your slight rant about people not doing due diligence. Honestly, though the average person doesn't need to know about these things... Unless maybe they impact our health and daily lives🤔🤫😅

It is cool how the younger a person is, the more open minded and able to perceive information in ways us adults lose track of.


I find that the same thing... young kids are so interested and curious, and then kids hit the teenage years and are suddenly too cool or distracted to be supremely interested in anything other than clothes or being "cool"! Many of us never recover that sense of joy of discovery...

PS: I do think everyone can learn new and interesting new things... they just aren't interested!