Study technique: tips to study well

in Education4 years ago


The aim of the study is learning. At the same time the learning consists in the execution of three activities: to understand, to reflect and to express.
What is the use of learning to study? What are the methods of study useful?
Learning methods of study is learning to study in an orderly way.

Study Planning

It is important to plan our studies, every activity needs planning so that it can lead to successful completion.

Some study techniques


- Method of study,

It serves to make the person more methodical, follow an order in what he is doing and put his skills to serve the tasks he performs.

- Place of study,

this should be as pleasant as possible, we probably have to spend many hours there.

- Daily reading

is the best tool that we can acquire, through it we have the doors open to everything we ignore.

Thanks to the daily reading we acquire the reading comprehension and we can be formed continuously.

- Memory and attention,

are two important skills in us, the more we remember, the more effective knowledge we have and the more "we know". Attention on the other hand, we need it for many tasks of our daily life - such as driving - and for many jobs of responsibility. So we must improve these two skills and that every day we develop and perfect more.

Auxiliary technique, are as important as the previous ones

* Use of the dictionary


* Write well


* Good spelling


* Oral Expression


To know how to use a dictionary, to write well and with the necessary corrections, to express oneself in public seems to have nothing to do with our daily life, but nevertheless it is fundamental for our development as personal and professional.

The art of studying

Each person has a specific way of studying, which can be more or less effective. However knowing the method that others have approached their study we found that there are ways to improve learning using less effort and time.

Studying like any other job, requires techniques, methods and procedures that you can acquire, for which it is enough to propose it.

Why study?

As for why you have to study, let's see some reasons:

  • It is obvious that the study has immediate application in improving school performance.

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  • It has results in the medium term since you will finish your course with success.


  • In the long run, you will help yourself to be a good professional.


A good working methodology in the student years will help you become an excellent professional in the future.

Is it boring to study?

This is something that students often say. Of all the topics you have to study, some are more enjoyable than others. Well, you should think that they are an important part of your personal and professional training.

Pleasure in study occurs as we gain in understanding, solve problems, expand knowledge; that is to say when we convert the study into an art.


Text Learning to Learn, Study Techniques.
Editorial OCEANO


Great article. It seems to me that these teaching methods are suitable not only for schoolchildren, but also for adult successful people, for example, leaders or businessmen. After all, a successful business requires ongoing training, a well-structured strategy and a 30 60 90 day plan for executives, then we will know for sure that we are going in the right direction. Learning skills, marketing and process analytics are a very important part of any business.

Thanks for sharing these techniques with us and these are very useful. I will try to apply these techniques in my life and I hope it will help me out with my regulatory of work. By the way, this time I am reading some helping ideas from because I have to write a cover letter for my resume work. Can you suggest me something with this?