Information Assurance Security

in Education3 years ago


  1. What is an Information Security Asurance?
  • Information assurance and security is the management and protection of knowledge, information, and data. It combines two fields: Information assurance, which focuses on ensuring the availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of information and systems.

2.Components Information Security Assurance?

  • Information Assurance

3.Differentiate the certification programs to Common body language

• Understand the range of nonverbal behaviors that comprise 'body language'

• Understand the nuances of handshakes and touch

• Understand how your personal style influences your body language

• Match body language to words

• Know how to read facial expressions

• Interpret common gestures

• Interpret eye contact

• Understand power poses

• Know the sign of a fake smile and when someone is lying to you

• Understand the differences in body language across cultures


This course on 'Body Language' is designed to help you understand the different aspect of body language so that you are able to use the information to your personal and professional advantage.

  1. Differentiate the Governance and Risk management?
  • Governance is “Framework,” Risk Management is “Mechanism”: The difference between Governance and Risk Management is that Governance is the creation of Theory and Risk Management is Applied Theory. The two go hand-in-hand. They really cannot exist exclusive of each other.
  1. Different between Security Architecture to Design?
  • Security architecture is the like a network monitor or security software application in the context of the overall system could be described as addressing security architecture.

Security design refers to the techniques and methods that position those hardware and software elements to facilitate security. Items like handshaking and authentication can be parts of network security design. By contrast, the applications, tools or resources that facilitate handshaking and authentication would be parts of the security architecture. Part of the reason that security architecture and security design so often go in the same sentence is that pros are using sets of resources (the architecture) to implement the concept (the design) in effective ways that guard both "data in use" (as it is transmitted through a system) and "data at rest" (data that is archived.)

  1. Different between Business Continuity Planning to D-i-s-a-s-t-e-r Recovery Planning?
  • Business continuity focuses on keeping business operational during a disaster, while disaster recovery focuses on restoring data access and IT infrastructure after a disaster. ... Meanwhile, a disaster recovery strategy helps to ensure an organization's ability to return to full functionality after a disaster occurs.
  1. What is Physical Security Control?
  • Physical security describes security measures that are designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and resources and to protect personnel and property from damage or harm (such as espionage, theft, or terrorist attacks).[1] Physical security involves the use of multiple layers of interdependent systems that can include CCTV surveillance, security guards, protective barriers, locks, access control, perimeter intrusion detection, deterrent systems, fire protection, and other systems designed to protect persons and property.
  1. What is Operations Security?
  • Operations Security consists of a series of controls that are designed to maintain the security of the organization's resources from design to deployment to disposal. This is achieved through minimizing the effects of the threats and extent of the vulnerabilities faced by the organization. This leads to reduced asset losses and thus lower risk. Operational controls are also described that are implemented to protect the day-to-day running of the organization. These involve everything from hardware controls (such as maintenance) through to controls designed to monitor privileged-entities. Operational controls include the monitoring and general review of systems. Media controls expand on the idea of controls that cover the handling of sensitive information.
  1. What is Law?
  • Information technology law, oftentimes referred to as IT law, ICT Law, tech law, cyber law, computer law, electronic law, internet law, social media law, is one of the fields of specialization of the firm. The Head of our IT Law Department has a background in Computer Engineering. This, coupled with a Juris Doctor Degree in Law, has made our Firm one of the few law firms in the country who is well-versed in IT law.
  1. What is Investigation?
  • An investigation is a thorough search for facts, especially those that are hidden or need to be sorted out in a complex situation. The goal of an investigation is usually to determine how or why something happened. Investigations are usually formal and official.
  1. What is Ethics?
  • Ethics can be defined as the body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behavior or actions of individuals and groups. When our moral compass is distorted—or completely absent—then our standards and actions are based on self-interest and personal gain.
  1. What is Information Security?
  • Information security refers to the processes and methodologies which are designed and implemented to protect print, electronic, or any other form of confidential, private and sensitive information or data from unauthorized access, use, misuse, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption.

And just like yesterday I was saying about the HCI post, this post about Information Assurance Security keeps popping up from time to time, sometimes very slightly different, sometimes with the exact same text. That is weird...