How To Install HUGO on Windows

in Education4 years ago (edited)


There are various ways to install HUGO on Windows, I tried to follow the method provided on the official hugo page, and one of them is by using Scoop (A command-line installer for Windows).

Scoop will install the tools you want easily, in this case I want to install Hugo, so just type the command;

scoop install hugo

but, I have to install Scoop first on Windows, this how I did it, you can simply type these command within your PowerShell;

Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

# or shorter

iwr -useb | iex

I encountered an error like this;

the solution is to run the command below on PowerShell;

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser

If it is running correctly it will look like the image below;


Next step is installing HUGO using Scoop, because our main goal is installing HUGO on Windows simply by using commands;

scoop install hugo


Now we installed HUGO on Windows successfully, next time, we will discuss how to host it on GitHub pages. See you next time.