Human Computer Interaction and it's benefits To the Community

in Education3 years ago


1. What is Human Computer?
Human computer is a multidisciplinary field of the study focusing on the design of the computer technology and in particular of computer technology between humans ( the users ) and computer.

2. What is brainstorming relating to HCI?
Storming is relating to HCI because it is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design problems in controlled condition and a free thinking environment.

3. What is contextual inquiry?
Contextual inquiry is a type of ethnographic field study that involves in depth observation and interview of a small sample of users to gain a robust understanding to work practices and behaviors, and it is a user centered design techniques where you interview the user in context of their work while perform real task.

4. What is making sense data?
Making sense of data is a practical guide to exploratory data analysis and data mining, a practical step-by-step approach to making sense out of data making sense of data educates readers on the step and issues that need to be considered.

5. What is dynamic prototype in human Interaction?
A dynamic prototype is an early sample model, or release of a product built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated it learned from. And it is a good idea that prototyping is a Framendously valuable strategy for effective design.

6. Discuss the technology and change?
Technology in economics technological is an increase in the efficiency of a product or process that results in an increase output, without an increase in input. And technology change consider the function of each item and describe how each has change over time.

7. What is Human computer?
Human computer focused mainly on developing empirical understanding of users and it is need to remain quite broad, as it not cours almost all forms of information technology

8. Discuss the concepts of interaction design?
Interaction design it is important component within the giant umbrella off user experience ( UX ) design and it can be understood in simple (but not simplified) terms. It is the design of the interaction between users and product.

9. Differentiate the computer and the human-computer interaction?
The computer in a single places and does a primitive set of function and it combines with many other things to perform a compiles sets of function. While Human-Computer interaction are interdisciplinary fields that drow on human-centered disciplines like psychology and sociology to design and develop technological products that meet human needs.

10. Discuss Data gathering and requirements analysis with focus in HCI aspect?
Within the requirements activity, the purpose of data gathering is to collect sufficient, accurate, and relevant data so that a set of stable requirements can be produced; data gathering is needed in order to capture user reaction and performance while requirements gathering analysis, usability engineering use explicit criteria to judge the success of a product in terms of it usability.

11. What are interface design and prototyping?
The interfaces design it is incorporates more than were it considerable body of empirical data regarding human computer interaction has been collected while prototyping is is a simulation if the actual system. prototypes are used to test the usability of the interfaces and essentially a prototype is a tool for defining and refining requirements.