Knowing the importance of Information Security Assurance

in Education3 years ago


1. What is information security assurance?
Information Security Assurance is the practice of assuring information and managing risk related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information. In short information security assurance is about keeping that data safe, and information assurance and security is the management and protection of knowledge, information, and data.

2. Components information security assurance?
The basic components of information security are most often summed up by the so-called CIA triad ( Confidentiality, integrated, and availability). Confidentiality is perhaps the elements of the triad that most immediately comes to mind when you think of information security. Information security assurance has five components elements this are confidentiality, possession, integrity, authenticity, availability, and utility.

3. Differentiate the certification programs to common body language?
The course on body language is designed to help you understand the different aspects of the body language so that you will able to use the information to you personal and professional advantage. And this course will help you effectively understand the different forms of body language and their meanings. Body language certification is extensive and comprehensive online course covering the subject of body language and non verbal communication.

4. Differentiate the governance and risk management?
The governance and risk management do indeed overlap and are both important to achieving the to-be-state. The governance is the creation of theory and risk management is applied theory. The governance, or corporate governance is the overall system of rules, practice, and standard that guide a business. Risk or enterprise risk management is the process of identifying potential hazard to the business and acting to reduce or eliminate their financial impact.

5. Different between security architecture to design?
Both security architecture and security design are elements of how IT professional work to provide comprehensive security for system. However this two terms are a bit different security architecture is the set of resources and components of security system that allow it to function. While the security design refers to the techniques and methods that position those hardware and software elements of facilitate security.

6. Different between Business continuity planning to D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R recovery planning?
Business continuity focuses on keeping business operational during a disaster, while disaster recovery focuses on restoring data access and IT infrastructure after a disaster. Meanwhile a disaster recovery strategy helps to ensure an organization ability to return to full functionality after a disaster occurs. Business Continuity and disaster recovery have different goals business continuity plans limit operational down time, whereas disaster recovery plans limit abnormal or inefficient system function.

7. What is physical security control?
Physical security control is a measures taken to reduce information security risk such as information system breaches, data theft, and unauthorized change to digital information or system. Physical control is the implementation of security measures in a defined structure material. Examples of physical control are: warning signs or window sticker, fence, vehicle barrier, vehicle height-restrictor, restricted access points, security lighting and trenches.

8. What is operation security?
Operation security is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determine if information obtained by adversaries could be. Operations security is security and risk management process and strategy that classifies information. Then determines what is required to protect sensitive information and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.

9. What is Law?
Law is a science to principles by which the civil society is regulated and held together, by which right is enforces and wrong is detected and punished, and law has been defined as a body of rules action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority and having binding legal forces that which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to suctions of legal consequences is a law.

10. What is Investigation?
An investigation is a thorough search for facts, especially the those that are hidden or need to be sorted out in a complex situation. The goal of an investigation is usually to determine how or why something happened investigations are usually formal and official. The world is commonly associated with police investigation of criminals activity, but it is used in many others context to refers to the process of investigating systematically finding and examining evidence.

11. What is ethics?
Ethics is a system of moral principles they affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society, and it is also described as moral philosophy. Ethics is based on well-founded standard of right and wrong that prescribed humans ought to do. Usually in terms of right, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. ... "being ethical is doing what the law requires." "ethics consists of the standard of behavior our society accepts.

12. What is Information Security?
Information security is a set of practice intended to keep data secure from unauthorized access or alteration. here's broad book at the policies, principle, and people used to protect data. Information security, often referred to as "InfoSec", refers to the process and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection. And InfoSec also covers the tools and process that organization use to protect information, this includes policy setting that prevent unauthorized people from accessing business or personal information. And It is a growing and developing field that covers a wide range of fields, from network and infrastructure security to testing and auditing.