How does psychology affect humans?

in Education2 years ago

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Psychology is the science of the soul, because every human being has an influence in his personal life. This personality is the pinnacle of a person's psychology. In the development of the world of psychology continues to be studied about how and what happens to humans in influencing psychology. From human thought to everyone's behavior.


Human psychology arises from things like heredity or environment. Throughout the history of human psychology there has always been a conflict between hereditary psychology or environmental psychology which plays more of a role in the life of the human person. Hereditary psychology refers to factors that are passed down through generations ginetiistically from the family, from generation to generation. While environmental psychology refers to what is learned from its environment and what happens throughout its life, it is included in human knowledge, life experiences, trauma, or physical injuries gained during their lifetime. Many studies say, these two factors are very influential in human psychology. Either alone or in each other.
Psychology is also influential in terms of the conscious or subconscious. Many human events do something sometimes under the influence of liquor or the like, it acts as the psychology of the subconscious. And there are also those who do something with awareness, this affects the conscious.

Human psychology can also be seen from several functions:

Control?A person who controls his behavior in accordance with what he expects.
Predictions?That is, someone who is able to control himself and has the ability to predict or predict. What, how and why something should be done.
Explanation?Someone who can explain what, how and why. This affects the brain that is able to work properly.
Back again all that to the psychology of personality, which is about humans who are able to learn about behavior in adjusting in their environment. Because personality psychology is closely influential with human development and also human social. Because the human personality is the result of an individual's development from childhood to adulthood and how the individual himself interacts socially with his environment. That's the most influential thing in human psychology itself.


