Get to Know the Characteristics of Slow Learners and Understanding How to Guide Them

in Education2 years ago


Slow learners are known as slow learners or backwars The children who are slow in learning are on average children who have intellectually below normal levels. so they will have some difficulty to think quickly, or respond to everything that is taught because their brains are slow in stimulating the material. This makes children who are slow to learn need special therapy or special education services.

Children who are slow to learn are not actually born from birth, but there is a lack of cognitive ability. They need less or even longer time than other students of their age who only need normal time to understand a student.

Children who are slow to learn experience an obstacle or delay in their mental development, intellectual function of slow learners below the average of other normal children

Recognize the characteristics of children who are slow learners.

To spot and mark children who are weak in learning, parents or teachers can see some of the characteristics that I mention below.

The first characteristic is, cognitive learning difficulties. Namely children who are slow learners, will take a little longer to understand the learner, and also they will find it difficult to remember what they have learned.

The second characteristic is related to language. Slow learner, has problems with language articulation, and they tend to have problems with verbal expression.

The last characteristic is related to perceptual auditory. Slow learners fail to understand verbal commands, often they do not immediately provide an answer when asked a question. In addition to the three problems I mentioned above, there are also other problems or other characteristics that we can see in children who are slow to learn. Such as thought disorders, minimal memory, psychological disorders.

Guiding slow learners.


Guiding a slow learner is a thing which is important for anyone to do, especially parents and teachers, This guidance process is to prevent slow learning disorders in children from getting worse and continue to last until they are adults.

Guidance that is usually done is by touching several elements related to child development. One of them is the guidance of the intuitive realm. The intuitive function is the function involved in generating insight and creative action.

In addition, the mentoring process can also touch the social realm of the community. Developing oneself as a member of the group, and being able to participate in the group process expands the feeling of community membership. With the hope that children become more sensitive and also have a lot of interaction.

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