Knowing the Golden Age in Children and the Stages That Parents Need to Pay Attention to

in Education3 years ago


Children's growth goes through several stages, one of which is the golden age period, maybe we already understand what the golden age is, but I'm sure there are still many of us who don't know what important things we should do for children who have entered this golden period.

Understanding the golden age.

Golden age is one of the periods of children who have entered the stage of growth and the most important developments in their lives. Usually the golden age of the child begins to be calculated on the first 1000 days of the child's age. until they reach 5 years. This calculation also includes the age of the child from the womb.

During this period, parents are required to give more attention to their children. Because, at the golden age, the child's brain and physical growth will take place optimally.

In addition, this period also occurs in the development of the child's personality and the formation of behavior patterns. attitudes, and expressions of emotions. If the various needs of children are ignored during the golden age, Children are feared to experience less than optimal growth and development.

There are two stages that will be passed by children who have entered the age of golden age, namely the stage of child growth, and the developmental stage of the child.

Things parents should do in their child's golden period.

As I wrote earlier, At the time of entering the golden age, parents must pay attention to their children maximally. Not only paying attention, but also acting with the things listed below.

  • Pay Attention to Fine Motor Development
    In this case, it includes the flexibility of the child's fingers when doing subtle activities, such as practicing buttoning a shirt, coloring, writing or doodling on paper using a pencil, tying shoelaces, and coloring. These fine motor skills are beneficial for children's writing skills, creativity and hand skills.

  • Pay Attention to Gross Motor Development
    After practicing fine motor skills, parents must also train their children's gross motor skills, including the child's running skills, jumping, or other sports-related outdoor activities. It is also very important to train gross motor skills during the golden age. for the golden age so that children can control large muscles.

  • Recognizing Child Development Disorders
    This process will not run smoothly. there will definitely be disturbances in the golden age. So parents must be able to recognize and be aware of the disorder, so that the problems encountered can be resolved properly. Identify and make improvements as soon as possible by consulting a psychologist or pediatrician.

In the golden age, parents must also recognize the potential of children, and also supports the child's known potential. In essence, in this period the child is in the stage of personality formation. Therefore, parents must understand how to treat children so that their growth and development in this golden age period runs optimally.