Practical Ways to Help Children with Dyscalculia

in Education4 years ago


Have you ever heard the symptoms of dyscalculia? Please note dyscalculia is a symptom that exists in children. This phenomenon is the difficulty in counting and understanding basic mathematical arithmetic. If you find your child having difficulty understanding numbers, difficult to recognize the time of the hour, then he might have dyscalculia symptoms. They tend to be difficult to solve basic math problems.

So, what causes children to have dyscalculia?

From some research conducted, 70% of elementary school children experience dyscalculia. One of the factors that were found why children experience symptoms, due to genetic factors or family symptoms. However, until now it has not been known what genes are experiencing this symptom.

In addition to gene factors, children with dyscalculia are also closely related with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), this is due to 60% of people who experience APHD also have learning difficulties, one of this is dyscalculia.

  • Diagnosing dyscalculia in children.

Before receiving a positive result of a child exposed to dyscalculia, parents or need to do a series of certain diagnoses. Teachers, especially math teachers and parents must communicate to find out which part of the child is having difficulty. Parents can also communicate with doctors or learning specialist, to find out if our child is positive with disability. Usually, there are several stages or ways to find out these symptoms in children, namely:

  • Counting ability test
    This numeracy test can start by testing the ability of mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. The next step is to do more difficult testing like multiplication and division and fractions.

  • Math fluency test
    Understanding mathematics is not just memorization, but also can understand very well the concept so that there is no difficulty in answering math problems. Children with dyscalculia will first calculate a very easy question to answer it, for example, 1 + 4, the dyscalculia will count on the net first, even though this is an easy question.

  • Impact of Dyscalculia on children.

Here are some of the effects that will be positively scalable children.

  • Difficulty in recognizing numbers
  • Difficulty in knowing basic arithmetic such as addition, multiplication, and subtraction, and division.
    *Difficulty showing time on the clock
  • Difficulty in counting the number of groups
  • Difficulty connecting that the number 1 equals the statement "one"


  • How to help dyscalculic children
    These symptoms can be treated, and it is very important to eliminate them from children. Because this will be related to the continuation of their lives in everyday life.
    So what should be done to help them?

  • Make sure the child has aids for arithmetic, such as a calculator.

  • Ask for help from an expert like a private tutor

  • Utilizing games that have a numeracy content

  • Coordinate and communicate with mathematics teachers at school

  • Give praise to the hard work of children in solving mathematical problems.

To parents, you need to know that dyscalculia is not a disease that must be opposed to children who stay overnight do not scold this symptom either but must be helped and find a solution.

My references :

Thanks, e creative
