Learners Government Officers' Initiative: An Anti-bullying Campaign

in Education8 months ago
"Bullying is an act of degrading a person or a pupil. An act of hitting the pupil or person's weak point just to prove someone's strength."

Have you experienced being bullied?
How did you react?

I remember during my Elementary days, we had a classmate who used to score zero every time we had a quiz in almost all of the subjects.

After class, our male classmates used to name him "itlog" meaning zero. He used to cry and tell the teacher to seek sympathy. Unfortunately not all the time the teacher was there to stop the bullies. Until he decided to stop schooling.

In the end, he was left behind by us.


The month of October is the National Bullying Prevention Month. In connection with this celebration, Caduawan Elementary School's Learners Government Officers conducted an anti-bullying campaign in every classroom. In the hope of creating a child-friendly school, by making it a bullying-free institution.


This campaign was led by Trisha M. Comeros, the Learners Government Vice President. After asking permission to enter the classroom, the team posted their poster on the board. Then a short introduction was presented. After the introduction, a short video about anti-bullying was played and watched by the pupils.


After watching the video. They grouped the class into three, and let them answer the following guide questions in orange meta cards:

  • I can help make my school safer by _______.
  • In School I can _________.
  • Caduawan Elementary School can be a safer school if I ______.

The pupils excitedly executed the activity with the help and guidance of the Learners' Government Officers. They showed eagerness and cooperation happily.


After answering the guide questions, they presented their answers in front of the class. Most of their answers focus on being friendly to other pupils, to be respectful to other pupils, and to the teachers as well. Some answered that they would help promote the school's advocacy, especially in anti-bullying.



After presenting their answers, they chained the meta cards to seal their answers as a promise to the pupils and school.


They ended the campaign with the tagline “Caduawan Elementary School is a child-friendly school and a bullying free”.

Two thumbs up to these little leaders for doing a great job! May they continue leading the pupils of Caduawan Elementary School to positive activities that would lead them to become better persons someday.

Once again, thank you dear HIVE friends for taking the time to read my blog. SALAMAT!

“Being a great leader, one must not just tell his members what to do but must show first how to do it”


As a student also, I stand against bullying. This kind of activity gives full awareness to the children. It's a big factor for these kids to learn as early as it can be, that bullying has never been a good option. Thank you for sharing this ma'am @nanayko.

True, I always believed that no one has the right to bully someone. And that children should be taught how to be firm and react properly when it happened. Thank you for your time🙋

Thank you ma'am @nanayko for sharing this awareness program. It is really nice to see people concerned on the implementation of things that can really contribute for a better community.

Welcome sir @edver143. My gratitude for dropping by🙋

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You're welcome @nanayko. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😄👍

Thanks for integrating the value of anti-bullying in your lesson @nanayko❤️Good job!❤️

Thank you ma’am @lovinglymers .

I've also experienced being bullied. But thankfully, I'm firm enough to let everything pass and ignore it. But somehow, everyone's not the same. There are people who have been through a lot in life, and can't contain bullying. So, it's really good to teach students not to be bullies, stop bullying, but instead be kind, because everyone's mental health matters.

Thank you so much ma'am for sharing this, and kudos to all the teachers and pupils for this successful activity!🤗

Yes agree, mental health matters. That is why we always see to it that bullying in school will be lessened if not stopped. Thank you so much for dropping by🙋 @jeannmazing.

I love the campaign against bullying. It is actually a grievous act that the person being bullied because emotionally recked.

It’s good to educate the young ones at an early age. Stop bullying is a great initiative. Kudos to every one. Great job.

Thank you so much!

good education and prevention

Thank you for dropping by.

A good practice and way of communicating with other pupils to prevent from bullying others. That would be a great exercise for the pupils. Good job mam❤️

Thank you🙋 @iamgagz09.

Good job everyone🤍

Thank you🙋

Bullying is everywhere.That is why it is very important for the parents to talk to their kids especially after school, just like how was school today. Let the kids know that us (parents) always care and we want to listen if there's something wrong. Communication is the key. Thanks for sharing btw ❤️

Thank you for dropping by.

Bullying is a very important thing to discuss. Being bullied affects our mental and physical state. Good thing that these young pupils started early doing something good to prevent bullying. A big clap @nanayko

Thank you for your time reading my blog🙋

Bullying is a common problem in every school, and it can't be tolerated.
Thank you for sharing this anti-bullying campaign ma'am.

You're welcome, and thank you for dropping by.🙋

It's nice to have this Anti-bullying campaign in your school mam @nanayko. It's part of the Child Protection Policy. Your activities are very engaging to learners. Congrats mam!

Thank you so much, sir.🙋

Congratulations your publication has been chosen among the best of the day.



Thank you so much!