Are we attentive to distinguish learning styles within our training spaces?

in Education2 years ago (edited)



Greetings again my dear readers of this prestigious platform, it is very true that we do not all learn in the same way, and of course, we do not all have the same motives to learn, that is why we must guide our students to constantly ask themselves:

What is our learning style?

Our teaching style must undoubtedly go hand in hand with the style or way of learning of our students, in many occasions we come to the classroom just to teach our classes and let the students see how they manage better, of course, in many occasions our experience over the years can allow us to correct some patterns of learning styles that our students believe is the best for them, and this is because they do not know another way to learn that will speed up the acquisition of any knowledge.

We have to take into account that we must feel at ease, both ourselves and them, since teaching, like everything else in life, must reach a balance between the educator and the student, experience offers us this ability to focus, for example, this time I want to talk about the active style and this type of style makes us identify our students by the fact of constantly participating in activities that allow them to be active, since in this way they will obtain new experiences and difficulties to solve in a personal way, that is, with freedom.

This type of students always have an open mind to the possibility of acquiring any type of knowledge and this makes them grow before the academic challenges as they develop from activity to activity until they achieve the objective, and this way allows them to be collaborators with their classmates, this type of students are distinguished by having traits or characteristics such as; being spontaneous, inventor, conversationalist, participatory, creative, competitive, protagonist, leader, among other important characteristics that distinguish them from the rest of their classmates.

Therefore, when we find ourselves with this type of style we must help them to channel their energy and desire for learning and take advantage of their ability to empathize with their peers to help them and thus keep them motivated to learn and help their peers learn while respecting the capabilities of the same, and in this way we will keep a group of students working as unified as possible, that is, as a team and in this way learning from the learning style of their partner and maybe exchange thoughts that allow them to mix their particular learning style.

Of course, there are several learning styles that we will find in our students in other deliveries we will continue to focus on other learning styles that allow us to improve the academic formation of our students and with them even of us as educators.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.


Active learning is very good and generally works well (when it is well prepared of course). The problem is that this is not always a good idea for all types of students. Therefore, we need to find a good balance between active and more passive learning methods.

In my case, I have moved to full active learning during COVID times, and now I have a ratio of 20% passive / 80% active learning as we can live on campus as normal. Next year, I will target something like 2/3 active learning and 1/3 passive learning. I hope that this will make all students happy. We will see.

Hello dear @lemouth, nice to read you again, it is true what you say:

Active learning is very good and usually works well (when well prepared, of course). The problem is that it is not always a good idea for all types of learners. So you have to find a good balance between active and more passive learning methods.

That's right my friend you have mentioned the key, the balance between the different learning methods of the students, as diversity will always be present.

The arrival of the COVID pandemic has left us with negative and painful things, but also positive things such as giving us the time to invest in various activities for our growth in every way.

Excellent the proportion of learning that you indicate that you have achieved in COVID time, I am sure that the students will be happy about this. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Greetings to you and your family.

For now, I am still in an adjustment phase, trying to get some feedbacks from students during the course of the year so that I could adapt and find the good active/passive learning ratio. 2/3-1/3 sounds a good target... for now.

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