Education, science and technology in the study of vibrational motion

in Education2 years ago
First of all, my respectful greetings to all the Hive community, we continue with our purpose which consists of highlighting the extraordinary work of the science-technology-education trinomial, these three fields have undoubtedly allowed us to reach the exponential development we have today.


It is really impressive the amount of movements that develop around us, and of course, in many of them our natural optical systems (eyes) are reliable witnesses of such phenomena, of course in many cases these movements are imperceptible to our eyes, however, has not been at all a limitation to learn about it through quantum physics, technology and education.

In our educational spaces there is a lot of learning that is spread among human beings, in this case usually from the teacher as the source of knowledge to the receiving source as our students or pupils, the truth is that through education humanity has been able to expand any knowledge from end to end among all of us in a planned and organized manner.

When we relate to any type of phenomenon that develops in our environment we are linking ourselves with a complex and abstract learning which has been declassified by the wonderful field of science and put into practice by means of technology and of these applications we really know a lot because we put them into practice on a daily basis by carrying out any of our daily activities.

In this opportunity we continue in a general way to expand the learning about the phenomenon of movement through its various presentations and the same depending on the trajectory traveled by a particle, body or object, that is, a certain mobile, therefore, we will relate in a general way with the essential vibratory motion.

The vibratory motion belongs to the great family of oscillatory motion, and it represents the highest speed capacity in its oscillations, and many of us are witnesses of this type of mobility because everything around us vibrates, remember that sound is only possible through the vibration of certain component particles of an object or body, thus disturbing the material medium, where these vibrating particles are located.

In our nature we can find many examples of this type of mobility, below you can see a wonderful and beautiful example of a vibratory movement represented in this occasion by the wings of a hummingbird as you can see in the following figure 1.


Figure 1. Natural example of vibratory motion

Actually a beautiful example of which we can witness at any time of our lives to be in contact with our mother nature, however, we must emphasize that technology also brings us different applications where we can observe such movement, for example, many components of our appliances vibrate as the compressor units of our refrigerators, then you can see a remarkable example of this type of artificial movement in the following figure 2.


Figure 2. Artificial example of vibratory motion

In reality, there are innumerable vibratory movements around us, since everything around us vibrates, including our own physical entity, for example, our vocal cords need to vibrate to generate the sound of our voice.


Everything that surrounds us has some kind of vibration, which is why it is so important to know about all kinds of mobility that develops around us, since in one way or another they influence our existence.

So far we have been able to demonstrate that the phenomenon of movement is fundamental for the existence of the universe as a whole, which includes the human species, and through the aforementioned trinomial it has managed to establish any kind of parameter for a reasonable understanding of everything that happens around us.

Therefore, we can conclude by expressing that the field of education has been largely responsible for the dissemination of this type of learning, which will always be of vital importance for our existence throughout time.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.

Note: The images are my own and were created in Power Point and the animated gifs in PhotoScape.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference


[2]Let's talk about the phenomenon of movement (Circular Mobility). Author: @rbalzan79.

[3]Technology in the study of parabolic motion. Author: @rbalzan79.

[4]Education, science and technology in the study of elliptical motion. Author: @rbalzan79.

[5]Education, science and technology in the study of the hyperbolic movement. Author: @rbalzan79.

[6]Education, science and technology in the study of oscillatory motion. Author: @rbalzan79.

[7]Education, science and technology in the study of wave motion. Author: @rbalzan79.


Very detailed and studious as you kept narrating the laws of physics and its application on the parts of mechanics and sound wave vibration. I was just reading through this note, and with this, I came to remember a lot of the early school days lessons, it ws about newtonian mechanics and the different classes of waves and progressive and stationary waves, sin function equations of these and the phonology.

You wrote so well and detailes that, I just lost inside the realm of imagination.Maybe this is a class of yours! Huh ha, thats pretty much real.

I previously read some of more your written notes and most of them revolve around the sole concept of physics and material science. What to say exactly, but I loved em all.

Be blessed and I wish you a happy Tuesday., 😀