One of the biggest student challenges / Organizing your study time

in Education2 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends, challenges are the most common actions in the life of mankind, they are available to all of us, and those who dare to take them, must find the best way to deal with them, for example, the student life or career itself, represents a challenge, since it requires nothing more and nothing less than a great physical-metal balance.

The balance described above depends to a large extent on the distribution of the student body's time. Time allows us to leave our mark on history, and to attest to our existence, hence its essential value for humanity, and therefore, the imperative need for its best use or distribution for the realization of each of our activities.

Much has been written in relation to certain recommendations on how to best organize the student's study time, logically some of these recommendations will adapt to the lifestyle of some of them, and others not, but it's all a matter of taste, and the most important thing is that they can somehow help any student.

Some recommendations for improving student time allocation

Each person on the planet has its own conceptions linked to the realization of each of its activities, that is very true, and it will always be this way, now, it is important to measure each of these concepts over time, that is, the effectiveness they offer us, therefore, when it is necessary its conceptual renewal, we are willing to do it.

The success of everything we do depends on our mentality, we do nothing by reading, and agreeing, but, we do not internalize what we read to improve our own concept in the performance of any of our tasks, when we do, we get immediate results.

  • According to your pace of life, design your study routine, logically we all have our own pace of life, maybe we go very fast or very slow, in that lifestyle should include the time to devote to their study activities, to create a suitable habit is recommended to do it daily.

Many recommend the same time, however, in my opinion this can be flexible, managing a moderate amplitude in relation to their daily occupations, of course, if they want the same time, they only have to change the routine of other activities for the study, remember that every habit is automated over time.

  • Focusing on your next objectives to be achieved, so you must prioritize your tasks, there will always be academic activities that must be developed before others, it seems a logical action, but nevertheless, there are students who leave everything to the last minute, and everything is complicated for them.

By leaving all their activities until the last minute, they develop a phenomenon that can demotivate them, such as multitasking, which usually collapses the student body to the point of becoming mentally blocked, and even this aspect applies to any area of life.

  • The best attitude to face their academic activities, when they decide to do their homework they should be full of motivation, if they do not have it, they should think about how important it will be to learn something new, they can share it with their closest relatives, and they will see that this helps them to motivate themselves.

There are academic tasks that may seem tedious to them, but there are other daily activities that they perform with these same characteristics and they develop them, and perhaps without leaving them any added value, as any academic or school activity surely does.

  • You must plan ahead and stick to it, so that you can avoid the accumulation of activities, i.e., the development of the phenomenon of multitasking, it is essential to plan ahead, of course, there are times when you must change your daily study plan, but it does not mean that you cannot develop it.

Rigidity cannot be an aspect of your daily planning, that is why your planning must have the buffer offered by the flexibility of your time, beyond having a good memory, it is advisable to take note of your planning, either on a physical or digital sheet.

  • Generate the best space to study, the comfort for the study is priceless, and when you feel comfortable you will notice how the ideas flow in the best way, this will be achieved by the degree of concentration that offers an adequate space away from distraction.

In this aspect, communication with your family members also plays an important role, since in general, their homes represent the space where they dedicate most of their time to study, and if they need to concentrate, everyone must understand this, and they will do so when you transmit it to them, both in words and with positive results in their academic or school performance.

  • An adequate distribution of time for your activities, you yourselves know or understand that there are subjects that do not require the same time as others, this based on the reality of each one of you, that is, for some, the activities related to mathematics are more difficult for them than for others.

Your own experience will tell you how much time you should dedicate to each of your pending activities, linked to the delivery period.

  • Review as many times as you think it is convenient, usually it is customary to give a first review quickly, perhaps some apply the technique of underlining and indicate what is most important, or what they want to learn, or else, just to see the content of the topic and to plan the time it will take them to understand it.


Many recommendations are written daily related to improve the study method of students, this based on the teaching and student experience, analyzed from notable areas such as science, and of course, education, no doubt, these recommendations have been of great help to the academic performance of students.

However, my dear friends, it is of vital importance to teach our students to update their own concept in relation to their method of study, so that in this way they are not trapped in time, and are adapting to new demands, as human beings we can achieve what we propose, but, for that we must be mentally aware that we can do it.



Until another opportunity my dear friends.

Bibliographic reference recommended

[1] Effective Study Techniques. Link.


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Thank you for this article; very informative and useful! As a student, I agree that one of the keys to success is organizing your time and time management. It's very important to be able to organize the day that way, to be able to finish all the planned tasks. I've always had problems with time management, and from time to time, it is hard for me to do everything I want and do all the tasks I need. But when it comes to studies, now it's easier because there are a lot of services and tools which are very helpful. When I see that I don't have time for all the tasks I have, I use the help of, and that service has never let me down. Even if I have very little time before the deadline, I still manage to get quality help and send the paper on time. And you know, such help is beneficial for me because I have more time, and I'm able to focus on other important tasks.