Vocational guidance, an essential tool for our professional future

in Education2 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, when we begin our studies as children we do it with the firm purpose of beginning to relate socially, and also, to understand somehow the colorful world around us, so we begin our wonderful journey in the essential educational field.

In my case, I did not attend pre-school due to my parents' limited economic resources, but nevertheless, my mother took great care in transmitting to me solid learning both in terms of coexistence and understanding of the space-time that I was in at that time, then came the challenge of starting the primary stage, and in reality it represented a wonderful stage of my life which helped me enormously in my development when I reached high school.

Now my dear friends in all this journey each of us in some way we are leaning and thus highlighting us in certain areas more than others, this perhaps represent the first signs in relation to the path to take in our university journey, usually as children we dream of being doctors, architects, engineers, but often is a desire instilled by our parents, and at this time begins the dispute between what we really passionate about or what our parents are passionate about, this usually leads us to ask ourselves:

Do I go along with my parents' career wishes, or do I simply decide for myself and select the career option that pleases me the most?

Anyone who decides to take the leap to a university career usually faces such a question and the best thing to do is to pay attention to what our conscience tells us, that is, to decide on a training option where we feel at ease, usually universities implement vocational tests that in many cases in some way help us to release some pressure exerted by our parents.

What would be the consequences for a university student of choosing a training option that he or she did not wish to pursue?



On many occasions as a university professor I have come across this type of case and the students find it difficult to take the rhythm or simply get blocked because they are carrying out a university career contrary to what they would have liked, and this leads to frustration, The important thing is to try to identify these cases and talk to them alone to advise them in the best possible way, that is to say, that they end up deciding to encourage themselves to carry out this university career or simply give the turn they want and go in search of the option that they are passionate about regardless of what anyone else says including their parents.

Vocational guidance for anyone who decides to enter a university career should be mandatory, and also, to transmit them as much clarity as possible to help them make their own decision and not what other people want, when we study what we have dreamed of doing our performance will be much better because we strive to do things well, this aspect should always transmit them to our students because no doubt a happy student will be a good professional in the future.

It should always be important that in addition to providing vocational orientation workshops to young people willing to start a university career, their parents should also be present at these workshops so that they also understand that the choice is their children's, since in reality they will be the ones who will develop the university career.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.





Thank you dear community for your valuable support. Best regards.