in Education4 years ago

Every person must have a scale of values ​​to coexist properly and harmoniously in society, values ​​that allow us to transform our immediate reality and contribute to creating that society that we all dream of and obviously, in order to possess that scale of values, we adults must promote it to that children can grow it.

The values ​​that we must cultivate in our children are diverse, but today I specifically want to refer to the value of patience that is currently very scarce in today's world and almost endangered in the families of the earth wel, l many parents fail due to not having patience and not being able to cultivate it in our children.



I want to refer to this value because many parents and teachers do strive many times to inculcate various values ​​that are important in children but we ignore the value of patience ignoring its importance in the perseverance of life, because really patience is more than a value a great virtue for all those who possess it since having patience in life means earning a lot because it will guide us to be persevering in everything we want to achieve without looking at the setbacks or difficulties that we may be subjected to

It is worth saying that in order for children to obtain this value, it is necessary that parents can also possess it and obviously they can transmit it to their children, but it really does not happen this way since many of us do not have patience with our children when it comes to deciplinating or at the time we want to apply it.

Example of this we can visualize it in the street or when parents must take their children to the doctor there we can look at the lack of patience of the parents and the way of how they look for the way to calm them incorrectly.
Perhaps many of us focused on work or current occupations do not seek or leave the right place to try to instill this important value in our children.

Perseverance is a manifestation suitable for future times, a possibility for children to fully develop their motivation and to wait with enthusiasm for the time necessary for things to reach maturity and full development and this can be possible through patience



Parents often strive for our children to cultivate values that will be essential for the development of their lives and although we know that children can never achieve values that we do not try to teach them, sometimes we feel frustrated when we feel that we have not achieved what We wish for them but I think that innately being parents implies being patient because if we do not have it we must seek it because this virtue is very important in their daily life and it is essential that we can transmit it as a lifestyle.

¿Why should we cultivate the value of patience in our children?



I really believe that to cultivate this value in our children it is a reciprocal question since, as we almost always lack it, we have to make an effort and in our daily relationship with them we must learn it and in turn instill it, that is, learn it together with them Obviously this value brings very positive and profitable attitudes for the course of his life.

Patience is the opposite extreme to impulsiveness. It is not a state of passivity, but rather a response based on wisdom and not on what the guts scream at us.
As the sage Shantideva says, "So when I see something wrong, be it a friend or an enemy, I will remember that it happens because of the circumstances and I will remain serene." Shantideva, introduces us in this way, that understanding the circumstances of a situation, will lead us to promote our patience

In this sense I can deduce that to have patience is to win in life is to wait and to think with balance is a conviction of serenity in opposite situations or in adversities which does not oblige us to act on impulse but by conviction and with a broad reasoning of understanding since really having patience in life also brings us peace and leads us to face the challenges of life in the best way

¡How important is patience in a human being!

Many people think even scholars of the infant stage
that talking about the patience of the children does not make sense since they think that they do not have it because they cannot have it because they emphasize that the patience to whom it belongs is to the parents

Because our human nature is not inclined towards patience, we must make the decision to develop patience in our character. However, as with everything else, we need the strength and grace of God to develop it in our lives as the natural response of a human is impatience and frustration, which is why patience is among the great universal virtues that even the most daring warriors have cultivated throughout history.



Clearly, patience does not develop overnight but as parents we must strive to be able to learn it day by day with our children so that they too can obtain it surely it will be very rewarding to have dynamic and active patient children since being patient is not being be Passives

References: lamenteesmaravillosa, education in values.
