Inclusion of educational models that have community service as their axis of relevance.

in Education3 years ago

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Educational models at the university level are very important for the advancement and development of education in one of its highest stages.

All educational models adopted by universities are diverse and autonomous, everything will depend on the proposed objectives, in my particular case I have felt very attached to the educational model used by the university where I teach my environmental education classes, since one of the visions of the university is to maintain active research and university extension, especially considering that the field of extension is considered the driving part of the university, since through the extension is where a leading role is given to models of service to the community.

Through the community service model is where the university will really apply a leading and transforming educational model, since the academy and the science learned in the classroom will be taken and transformed into knowledge for the solution of the communities outside the university.

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A university educational model is a representation of reality, in this case of the main systems and subsystems involved in the process of training professionals in universities. The need to define an educational model in the university is such that it constitutes an important indicator for determining educational quality.

What should an educational model represent at the university level?

Through community outreach we can reach the communities and generate a credibility representative and worthy of reality, therefore one of the objectives of academic knowledge should be to represent the reality of the most vulnerable, taking into account that for that there must be the commitment of the academy.

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When talking about the quality of education many times this kind of things are not put on the stage, but in my opinion the educational models should be adjusted according to the demands and demands of external agents to the university, among these is the communities, once these considerations related to educational models are made, then we will be talking about the quality of education.


one of the objectives of academic knowledge should be to represent the reality of the most vulnerable, taking into account that for that there must be the commitment of the academy.

Yes, the university has to acknowledge that their commitment is necessary to deal with vulnerable realities found in school.

So they ought to take drastic steps to uphold the values of the university by working with a model that represents the heights of relevance for education

The pandemic has demonstrated the deficiency of university education in several countries, the few resources and adaptations that are available to carry out a good distance education plan.