Why do I think videos are the best learning resource?

in Education2 years ago

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Hello friends of the blockchain, this time I will explain my reasons why I think that an audiovisual resource (video) could be the best resource for learning for most students in secondary and higher education.

When I say that the audiovisual resource (video) is one of the best resources for the student to learn is at middle and university level, since I believe that basic education has some learning styles where perhaps the audiovisual learning style does not fit very well.

If we could conduct a survey, we will surely find that there are a number of people who learn faster and more effectively listening to the subject being taught, while others will surely tell us that they learn better by simply visualizing.

However, from my point of view I have always thought that there is no single approach to education, diversification and dynamism within the teaching-learning process is always good, it can be the case that if we merge the visual element with the auditory element we give positive answers to the learning demand of the group of people who learn better by seeing and also to those who learn better by listening.

Erroneously we teachers almost always apply a teaching style that translates for the student into an auditory learning style, for example if we remember a little how most of us were explained history, we can realize that we were only taught by talking, so the student under this approach has to imagine the historical events that are explained to him because he does not have before his eyes an audiovisual resource that shows the historical background.

We can take another example as the case in which mathematics is taught, when mathematics is taught the explanation is written on a blackboard while talking to explain certain mathematical exercise, we could say that the learning obtained by the student is derived from an audiovisual learning, however if the student is a little daring dares to film a video in class with the intention that when studying at home can refine the details.

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In conclusion, within the learning styles we will always have associated in our mind the need to be able to learn by listening to what is explained to us and also to be able to see what is explained to us, so a fusion of a learning style where you listen and see is the most complementary to generate meaningful learning.