Teaching Children The Real Love: I Witnessed An Absolutely Beautiful Scene This Evening.

in Education3 years ago (edited)

A father wanted to go out and the kids were at the gate waving at him. They kept saying, "Daddy bye bye, daddy, we love you, God bless you"

Image source.

It's a beautiful thing to see the way most kids are being groomed these days. Taught to say the right words. Taught to make positive confirmations. Taught to express their emotions.

I've spent two decades and some years and I've never told my father I love him or him me. Most of us knew our parents love us through the actions they took and the sacrifices they made for us. We've never heard them and may never hear them.

When I was teaching in a school, I had fathers who would kiss their daughters on the forehead everyday and tell, "I love you" even as the child will say same. It's always a beautiful sight to behold. I never experienced it growing up. I'm looking forward to saying I love you to my kids as many times as I can in a day.

When I heard those two kids blessing their father this evening, my heart just melted. It's so cute!

I'm happy that these kids are taught how to bless with their words.
Few weeks ago, I was talking and I said, damn! Or shit! I can't remember what I said exactly. But I immediately told myself to behave. The guy I was talking to asked me to freely express myself and not to bottle up my words. I told him there are some words I shouldn't say.


I shouldn't talk carelessly right? I'm always thinking, will this word bless someone? What's the purpose of the words I'm saying? I'm good with words, when I'm angry or in a tensed situation, I say things I'd totally regret, so making deliberate and conscious effort to mind the things I say is a good thing.

Do your words bless or they curse?
Are your words seasoned with grace?
Does your word give strength or they discourage people and make them feel weak?

Power of life and death lies in the tongue. It's true, believe that.
I'm looking forward to seeing a generation of young ones who will have vocabulary void of unnecessary expletives. I'm looking forward to a generation that will make sense without feeling the need to use cuss or swear words.

Dear adult, kids around you are listening. Mind your language. More salt added to your words. Less of the biting undertone. More of blessing, less of savage-ness.


How was your day? What cute thing did you observe around you today?