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RE: Do We See Any Difference?

in Education3 years ago

There has been reports and newspaper cuttings where they are saying, more than 50% of the funds are going through the silence channel to the pockets of the corrupted officials.

That percentage is actually probably much more. Some politicians stealing billions of private pension funds and public money, while keeping most of the citizens of the country under minimum wage. For example Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary. I live in this country, so I experience the financial discrimination at first hand.


Yeah,that is a right analyis, what you have said is true and has practical proof in what you see in your country. Europe is good in fact, but outside Europe is bad and in Asia,it is even worse than the past. Thanks for your comment, have a nice day👍

And the even more sad part is the fact that my country (Hungary) is in Europe, and it is even a member of the European Union since 2004, but it still feels like some kind of dictatorship from Asia.

Thank you for the good wish, and I also wish you a nice day.
All the best.