With $100K B1 Grant for CHL we should Proposal ChallengeDac pays Tipit.io to create ChallengeDac GPS features from challengeyou eos contract built into tipitaccount smart contract, and add features like LIVE twitter GPS rewards

in ChallengeEOS2 years ago

chl just needs a hive and a twitte rbot that shows the gps etc

(This GEOLOCATABLE "Show up here for money or nfts or crypto by this time" will work great for @ddate as well ... and it will be so fun on twitter turning entire cities and parks into easter egg hunts, with scooter racing games, game sof capture the flag, laser tag style games, @challengedac can do a LOT with variations on challengedapp, like having to go to multiple targets at once to pickup the crypto rewards lol (Remote viewing dapp)

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:04 AM]
save all gps on hive chain forget eos and telos for a week and see what happens whenu si9mplfy things to work on hive only :D

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:05 AM]
its all just a challengedac bot, with images of the map, and upvotes, downvotes, curation base don locatoion. peopel who are also in a location post an image of their village, street signs etc, face, AND THEY UPVOTE that post with the hive engine peg of chl or some chl tokens on hiev engien for locatoion

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:05 AM]

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:06 AM]
NOW you have a WEB OF TRUISTR from Upvotes, regular hive users, posting a challenge cocordinate, and then instead of worrying about fake gps, you just have EXISTING HIGH REP hive users VERIFY that person IS nearbye by looking at their image or video. if they KNOW them in real life their hi rep soce will sorta work to validate peopels locatoions, if they wanna give it up

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:07 AM]
Juist challengedac posst with gops, and they upvote otehrs who are bearbye and who are verified, and youll need hivepower so it works .. eventually liek 20 peopel verify your challenge is accurate where it says it is etc ... and we have a huge chain of truisted hive users we know are legit, who are letting us know if someone really si where they say they are

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:08 AM]
also buy soem starlink pre oprders for Citi and some otehrs in West Afric aman get them that pe oprder and save liek a few $2000 a piece fo the $500 router and 12 montsh of highest speed internbet in AFRICA they can LIVCE STREAM and leave challenges as they live stream oif u can ever make challenge easy enuf to use in discord or twitter, we cant beusing the app its no good, we need to use teh web app and wombata nd buidl an actual dapp not just a mobiel app, it should hjave anchor logins by now!

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:10 AM]
SO we can liev stream and use challeneg without existuing the prism li3ev studio app! just send a challenge INSIDE DISCORD tith TIPCC by WITHDRAWING EOS or CHL to challengeyou with mart action memo right from the discord lol , memo of gps, send right from tip.cc discord bot! interract with challengeyou from tip bots liek tipit and you canmm literally fuuuuckin post challenges FROM A TWEET why yhavent we DONE THAT YET ist a NO BRAINER for someone whose got theri head in the actual game

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:10 AM]
without challenge tweets were wasting our time, we should be able to initiate a challenge action from challengeyou DIRECTLY form tipit with a .challenmge twitteruser 100 CHL for X and thats it!

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:15 AM]
[ Album ]
SO youd reply to someoen ro do a .challenge and like the tipit airdrop feature, you can have a GPOS CHALLENGE for example, someone leaves a tweet, after having X amount of CHL or EOS or any token in theri tipit account.......... and they leave that challenge command and BOOM challengedac or tipit bot shows up with a GPS CHALLENGE so you can SHOPW UP Somewhere within a certain tiem and you get PAID liek challenegdac does in its mobile app! but now imagine its ALL INSIDE TWITTER blokshttps://bloks.io/account/challengeyou?loadContract=true&tab=Tables&account=challengeyou&scope=challengeyou&limit=100

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:15 AM]
How about a proposal to pay @tipitchat a lil of that b1 mon3ey to develop the twitter challengedapp GPS rewards bot???

(cuz they deserve it actually mroe than anyone on eos lol they have a tip boit that lets u send chl opn twitter!)

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:16 AM]
they can do it bro look at what theyve already doen with teh tipiut rewards feature. imagienw hen its gps activate dor u get paid mroe to LIVE NEAR the person with teh airdrop, but no distance limits just slowly lowerr the amount exponentially toie fatyer u are away so penneis for otehr sid eof planet but mroe an dmore as u get closer

🟣𒀖Ackza💎♒️ DDATE⬡, [11/26/2021 1:17 AM]
And then have the CHALLENGEDAC tipit twitter bot leavbing challenegs all around tehw orld, with teh best challenges with teh most beautiful places in nature getting featured on the challengedac account and on hive, with post rewrds and twitter ad revenue going back to liqudiity pool for more telos/ hive/ eos backed challenges for concerts , liveb stremeers, or just for fun to leave airdropps in various cities foirst come first serve, use challengedapp to prove yoru gos location but have to be verified by otehr challenge users