My review of the challenge EOS app

in ChallengeEOS4 years ago

Good afternoon my friends on hive, here I bring you a review of the EOS application called the challengedac EOS app

What is a challenge
A challenge is a situation where by users create task to be rewarded on the EOS blockchaiñ

A challenge EOS app is an application that allows users to create and receive challenges on the EOS blockchain
The challenge app is geo-specific and time it uses location and have a time limit

It has a native token called the CHL token
Users get rewarded with CHL token after completing a challenge on the block chain...the amount depends on the challenge
This token also has a pegged asset on the steem engine called the CHL pegged ...CHLP and it can be traded on steemengine waiting to be listed on hive engine...and also on the newdex exchange
It is available for all users both Android and iOS users
This is the first application on the EOS blockchain that unites users together in the process of making challenges

I am everyoung123 on the challenge app
Feel free to make a challenge
Join challenge EOS app today
And let's make the blockchain fun

I love challenge EOS app


The video is off the hook! Great work!!

U reading from a book? 🤣🤣🤣🤣