
Can you link us where you

read the vaccine is doing a good job

We like to crunch numbers instead of rely on other people's qualifiers. Can we read what you're reading?

You're not really interested, or you'd find it yourself. The links are provided.

LOL @ giving the false-modesty/well-poisoning an instant, unapologetic smack-down !LUV

I am interested. I have looked and I want to make sure what I am reading is what you are reading and analysing. Don't always think people are trying to catch you out. Because from what I have read the vaccine is doing a good job. So if you have information that is counter I will not bury my head in the sand, I want to know what you are reading.

I spent 6 hours writing up the post so that it is laid out efficiently and logically, with links to sources. This post is the culmination of several other articles I've written on the subject. It draws from them and their sources, from articles by other Hive authors, as well as data taken today from official government tallies. My analysis and conclusions are laid out clearly in the post. What part do you not understand?