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RE: NYS Dep’t of Health falsely claimed 'no serious side effects' from covid vax, fact-checkers silent

in Deep Dives3 years ago

This message came from a close friend here in Chilliwack, BC.

It's just been confirmed by another friend in Vancouver, BC--
"Its happening all over, for some reason people are testing positive after the shot and could very well be a wrong reading. Not much news is being released."

A friend told me today about what's going on at a Fraser Valley hospital emergency dept. She has a friend who is a nurse. This nurse told my friend that the emergency dept. is jammed with patients who got the jab and now have "covid" when they didn't have "covid" before getting the jab. In addition, the nurse said that people are coming to the emergency dept. with strange symptoms after receiving the jab.

All medical personnel are not allowed to talk about what's going on at this hospital oridentify the hospital. My friend said it was not the Chilliwack Hospital, but another Fraser Valley hospital.

It sure sounds like a cover-up to me! Will the public ever find out the truth?"



People all over the world are having bad reactions to the experimental injection. Don't speak about it or that creates vaccine hesitancy.