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RE: The snipers in the Maidan massacre were Ukrainians and not Russians: the investigation!

in Deep Dives3 months ago

The protest was not suppressed by the authorities in any way
The snipers were a provocation of the crowd for illegal actions. Whose snipers the snipers really were, I hope we will find out someday.

On March 5, 2014, a wiretap recording of a telephone conversation between EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet was published on YouTube. The conversation took place on February 26 after Paet's visit to Ukraine. In a telephone conversation with Ashton, Paet recounted the version that the same snipers shot at both the police and the demonstrators. According to him, this version was told to him on February 25 in Kiev by doctor Olga Bogomolets. Some Russian media interpreted the recording as "proof" that the snipers were hired by the opposition Wiki

The head of the parliamentary commission for investigating the killings during Euromaidan, Hennadiy Moskal, said on February 22, 2014 that protesters were shot by snipers from the Internal Troops
In an interview with the Dzerkalo Tyzhnya weekly on March 6, 2014, Moskal claimed that the snipers who shot protesters and police officers on Institutska Street were members of the security services and acted under the orders of former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Yakymenko and Ukrainian Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko, and that only Zakharchenko could order the use of weapons by special units of the Interior Ministry. Moskal also stated that it was Berkut that killed opposition members of the opposition on Hrushevskyy using 12-gauge Fort-500 rifles

On April 2, 2014, Viktor Yanukovych gave an interview to Russian and foreign media during which he claimed that he did not give the order to disperse the protesters and that "the shooting was conducted from those buildings that were controlled by the opposition at the time." In an interview with American film director Oliver Stone in December 2014, Yanukovych said that the snipers who were operating were "foreign elements introduced by pro-Western factions." In an interview with American film director Oliver Stone in December 2014, Yanukovych stated that the snipers who acted were "foreign elements introduced by pro-Western factions" and "that there was no trace of the CIA"

These are just some of the possible theories. It's all cloudy and there's little interest in the truth.

Thank you for the unpopular version that brings us closer to the truth!